Since I recently launched my free ebook sampler of my upcoming book "Movies for Motivation" I feel I have finally stepped into a new world I once feared (see tip#547). It took years to get to this point even though I started writing the book 5 years ago in 2007 (see tip#40). I know it's because I was able to face inner blocks revolving around change and the unknown.
What helped me face my fears were the magical synchronicities of all the supportive people I met during the last 5 years. They each encouraged me to follow my dream of getting a book published. Some I met on Facebook, LinkedIn and this movie blog while others were insightful strangers I met briefly on the street. Some were friends and family who have been with me on my journey through thick and thin. Whoever they were I was reminded that at any age you can still follow your passion and dreams because good people will want to help you succeed!
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)
The comedy drama The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is about 7 British retirees who travel to India and stay at a hotel that is less luxurious than advertised. It becomes a beautiful metaphor for how they each transform their mindsets about fears of their golden years and how to move into a new phase of their life journeys. See: movie trailer
Recently widowed housewife Evelyn (Judi Dench) travels to India and ends up realizing her self-worth when she gets a job as a cultural advisor at a call centre. Graham (Tom Wilkinson), a high court judge follows his dream to find a long lost love from his youth. This emotionally powerful film inspired me with how each character learns to adapt to a new culture and to the unexpected changes in their lives. They each find the courage and excitement to move forward with optimism. And they each did it with the help of one another.
Age is just a state of mind and so is fear. Once you realize this concept then you can transform your debilitating habits of thinking and begin manifesting your dreams and goals. And if your journey of change is taking a long time remember that good people will be there to help you move forward. These good people will want to help you succeed!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tip#546: Be Open to Messages from Above – Bruce Almighty
I'm happy to say I have completed my first ebook called "15 Movies to Help You Overcome Difficult Times"! It is a sampler of 55 film write-ups from my upcoming book "Passion & Perseverance". Get the ebook sampler for free at my new, exciting website. Scroll to bottom of this link:
Like my artwork, music and other writings, the content of my first ebook feels like I channeled it from a higher source. It often feels like God is guiding me in ways I can help others. I am not a religious person and yet I do believe in a higher power. I pray and say thank you every day to God and feel that we are partners in co-creating a better world. And we are doing this through the magic of movies!
Bruce Almighty 2003
The fantasy comedy Bruce Almighty
is about Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) a TV reporter unhappy with the bad luck of his career and complains to God that he isn’t doing his job properly. God (Morgan Freeman) responds by giving Bruce his job and all his powers. Bruce begins to have fun manifesting anything he desires such as getting the anchorman job he wanted, pulling the moon closer to the Earth for a romantic evening with his wife and hilariously getting back at people who had wronged him!
Bruce's self-centered antics have dire consequences and God helps him realize he needs to focus on helping others with the powers given to him. When he does so he transforms his attitude towards God and his approach to life. This was a key life lesson I began to learn a few years ago and I've worked hard to transform my thinking and focus on how I can help others with my talents. The results are my new website and the free ebook gift co-created with the big G from above!
If you find yourself in a dire situation or feel deeply frustrated and lost in life be open to messages from above OR a higher source. Sometimes it is an inner voice that will guide you to solutions. Sometimes it is a gut feeling that leads you to answers you seek. Sometimes it is magical synchronicities of meeting a stranger saying exactly what you need to hear. It's been said that coincidences are gifts from God who wants to remain anonymous. Be open to these gifts today!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Like my artwork, music and other writings, the content of my first ebook feels like I channeled it from a higher source. It often feels like God is guiding me in ways I can help others. I am not a religious person and yet I do believe in a higher power. I pray and say thank you every day to God and feel that we are partners in co-creating a better world. And we are doing this through the magic of movies!
Bruce Almighty 2003
The fantasy comedy Bruce Almighty
Bruce's self-centered antics have dire consequences and God helps him realize he needs to focus on helping others with the powers given to him. When he does so he transforms his attitude towards God and his approach to life. This was a key life lesson I began to learn a few years ago and I've worked hard to transform my thinking and focus on how I can help others with my talents. The results are my new website and the free ebook gift co-created with the big G from above!
If you find yourself in a dire situation or feel deeply frustrated and lost in life be open to messages from above OR a higher source. Sometimes it is an inner voice that will guide you to solutions. Sometimes it is a gut feeling that leads you to answers you seek. Sometimes it is magical synchronicities of meeting a stranger saying exactly what you need to hear. It's been said that coincidences are gifts from God who wants to remain anonymous. Be open to these gifts today!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tip#545: Make Time for Face-To-Face Friendships – American Pie Reunion
I'm happy to say I successfully stayed off technology and any social media while away on my 4 day camping trip! That's why I felt like a superhero when one of my camping buddies was surprised to receive my last blog post while we were out in the woods! As mentioned in the previous post tip#544, I had set it to auto post for Sunday morning. My friend subscribes to this blog so he got the post instantly via email even though I wasn't on any tech and with him the whole time!
I knew my camping weekend would be rejuvenating and it truly was. And what made it special was getting together with friends I only see once or twice a year. We shared stories, our dreams and goals, rude jokes and what it's like still being single or being in a couple. We did this under clear blue skies next to a shimmering lake surrounded by lush green trees AND sharing in delicious foods and drink! As much as I love Facebook, social media cannot match the sheer power of face-to-face interactions.
American Pie Reunion 2012
The comedy American Pie Reunion
is actually the fourth part of the original series despite eight movies having been produced. It is 13 years after graduating high school and the original gang has all moved onto various paths in life. Jim (Jason Biggs) is married and has a 2 year old son with wife Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) and Stifler (Seann William Scott) is still a crude, obnoxious jerk but now in a corporate environment.
They all get together for a Class of 1999 reunion and it gives them all (and us) a chance to see what happened to their high school friends. It was amazing to see all the original cast back together! And, as in all the American Pie films, there is much raunchy humour sprinkled with lots of heart about friendship. It was a mirror for the bliss I felt getting together with friends on my recent camping trip. I was reminded of why I loved each and every one of them over the years.
Social media like Facebook can be an amazing tool to building contacts and relationships. Just remember to also make time for face-to-face interactions. Take time to cultivate your friendships by getting together over good food and drink. And do yourself AND everyone around you a favour and DO NOT text when you are together! Be off technology and just be in the moment with the people you are with in the flesh!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
I knew my camping weekend would be rejuvenating and it truly was. And what made it special was getting together with friends I only see once or twice a year. We shared stories, our dreams and goals, rude jokes and what it's like still being single or being in a couple. We did this under clear blue skies next to a shimmering lake surrounded by lush green trees AND sharing in delicious foods and drink! As much as I love Facebook, social media cannot match the sheer power of face-to-face interactions.
American Pie Reunion 2012
The comedy American Pie Reunion
They all get together for a Class of 1999 reunion and it gives them all (and us) a chance to see what happened to their high school friends. It was amazing to see all the original cast back together! And, as in all the American Pie films, there is much raunchy humour sprinkled with lots of heart about friendship. It was a mirror for the bliss I felt getting together with friends on my recent camping trip. I was reminded of why I loved each and every one of them over the years.
Social media like Facebook can be an amazing tool to building contacts and relationships. Just remember to also make time for face-to-face interactions. Take time to cultivate your friendships by getting together over good food and drink. And do yourself AND everyone around you a favour and DO NOT text when you are together! Be off technology and just be in the moment with the people you are with in the flesh!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Tip#544: Re-Energize in Nature - The Fox and the Child
As I write this I am still feeling sick from my week long cold that everyone seems to be getting. This write-up will also auto-post online because I will be on a 4-day camping vacation in the beautiful wilderness of Ontario. I'll be with good friends and re-energizing in nature. I realized I've been working hard on my new website, my first Ebook and other related projects that I will be off ALL technology this holiday weekend! No laptop, no cell phone and no social media!
I'm going back to basics living outdoors and I know it will re-activate my inner child and sense of play. Plus some say that getting a cold is a way the body tells you that you need to stop whatever you are doing and rest. I am listening to my body and I know, as you read this, I'll be feeling playful and rejuvenated!
The Fox and the Child (Le renard et l'enfant) 2007
The family movie The Fox and the Child
is a magical story of a young girl (Bertille Noël-Bruneau) who befriends a fox while living in a farm house in the Jurassic mountains in eastern France. The scenery is breathtaking and rich with colours of the changing seasons. And the heartwarming relationship that grows between the child and the fox will take you back to the fun and innocence of your childhood. See: movie trailer
If you are getting sick with a cold then recognize this as a sign that your body and mind needs rest. And if you get a chance to get out of the city and re-energize in nature then your soul will be grateful! The vibrant colours of the trees and land will rejuvenate you. The sound and sensations of a cool breeze moving through those trees will sooth your spirit. Let your thoughts go and just be in this delicious moment of bliss!
Related Tips:
Tip#367: Feel The Bliss of Nature – The Black Stallion
Tip#544: Re-Energize in Nature - The Fox and the Child
Tip#985: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 2 - The Legend of Tarzan
Tip#1103: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 3 - Open Range
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
I'm going back to basics living outdoors and I know it will re-activate my inner child and sense of play. Plus some say that getting a cold is a way the body tells you that you need to stop whatever you are doing and rest. I am listening to my body and I know, as you read this, I'll be feeling playful and rejuvenated!
The Fox and the Child (Le renard et l'enfant) 2007
The family movie The Fox and the Child
If you are getting sick with a cold then recognize this as a sign that your body and mind needs rest. And if you get a chance to get out of the city and re-energize in nature then your soul will be grateful! The vibrant colours of the trees and land will rejuvenate you. The sound and sensations of a cool breeze moving through those trees will sooth your spirit. Let your thoughts go and just be in this delicious moment of bliss!
Related Tips:
Tip#367: Feel The Bliss of Nature – The Black Stallion
Tip#544: Re-Energize in Nature - The Fox and the Child
Tip#985: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 2 - The Legend of Tarzan
Tip#1103: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 3 - Open Range
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tip#543: Passion & Perseverance, Part 2 – The Natural, Director's Cut
Recently I got a sore throat that led to a cold sapping most of my energy for a week. I persevered and was able to still be productive. I also believed that symbolically I was clearing some negative issues around my throat and voice because I began to speak my mind directly to people that were unfairly attacking my values and point-of-views. All this despite having a cold!
Whether it was face-to-face or via email messages, I was communicating clearly and confidently. It was exhilarating each and every time! I did not allow anyone to sway me from what I was passionate about or what I believed. My passion fueled my ability to remain true to myself!
The Natural: Director's Cut 1984
The movie The Natural
is about Roy Hobbs (Robert Redford) who has amazing "natural" baseball talent throughout a career of great successes and suffering. At age 19, after granted a tryout by the Chicago Cubs as a pitcher, he demonstrates his amazing talent which threatens other people. Hobbs immediately suffers a shocking attack that renders his dream of playing dormant for years.
Hobbs proves his passion and perseverance by playing professional baseball again at age 35 for The New York Knights. Despite more challenges from people around him Hobbs stays focused and confident to create magical events through his astounding hitting and pitching. He may veer off track at one point but with the help of a good person Hobbs finds his center in his heart and passion for baseball.
Do your best to remain true to yourself whenever someone tries to shut you down or convince you of something you are not. You have the ability to energize your confidence when you stay connected to your passion. And when situations get tough you can use that passion energy to help you persevere!
"You gotta develop yourself. The secret is confidence and concentration. You got them you don't need much else."
The Natural (1984)
Related Tips:
Tip#534: Passion & Perseverance, Part 1 – 100th Year Anniversary - Titanic
Tip#543: Passion & Perseverance, Part 2 – The Natural, Director's Cut
Tip#652: Passion & Perseverance, Part 3 - The Company You Keep
Tip#691: Passion & Perseverance, Part 4 - Rocky
Tip#731: Passion & Perseverance, Part 5 – The Right Kind of Wrong
Tip#752: Passion & Perseverance, Part 6 - Dolphin Tale
Tip#760: Passion & Perseverance, Part 7 - Today’s Special
Tip#864: Passion & Perseverance, Part 8 - Danny Collins
Tip#885: Passion & Perseverance, Part 9 - Outbreak
Tip#953: Passion & Perseverance, Part 10 - Eddie the Eagle
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire, Empower & Motivate
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Whether it was face-to-face or via email messages, I was communicating clearly and confidently. It was exhilarating each and every time! I did not allow anyone to sway me from what I was passionate about or what I believed. My passion fueled my ability to remain true to myself!
The Natural: Director's Cut 1984
The movie The Natural
Hobbs proves his passion and perseverance by playing professional baseball again at age 35 for The New York Knights. Despite more challenges from people around him Hobbs stays focused and confident to create magical events through his astounding hitting and pitching. He may veer off track at one point but with the help of a good person Hobbs finds his center in his heart and passion for baseball.
Do your best to remain true to yourself whenever someone tries to shut you down or convince you of something you are not. You have the ability to energize your confidence when you stay connected to your passion. And when situations get tough you can use that passion energy to help you persevere!
"You gotta develop yourself. The secret is confidence and concentration. You got them you don't need much else."
The Natural (1984)
Related Tips:
Tip#534: Passion & Perseverance, Part 1 – 100th Year Anniversary - Titanic
Tip#543: Passion & Perseverance, Part 2 – The Natural, Director's Cut
Tip#652: Passion & Perseverance, Part 3 - The Company You Keep
Tip#691: Passion & Perseverance, Part 4 - Rocky
Tip#731: Passion & Perseverance, Part 5 – The Right Kind of Wrong
Tip#752: Passion & Perseverance, Part 6 - Dolphin Tale
Tip#760: Passion & Perseverance, Part 7 - Today’s Special
Tip#864: Passion & Perseverance, Part 8 - Danny Collins
Tip#885: Passion & Perseverance, Part 9 - Outbreak
Tip#953: Passion & Perseverance, Part 10 - Eddie the Eagle
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Tip#542: Passion & The Test of Time - The Five-Year Engagement
Part of the reason why I recently had the most amazing week of my life (see tip#541) was this epic 6 hour lunch I had with a woman I really liked. We had so much in common and there was a lot of affectionate hand-holding. It felt like a dream come true. And then when she mentioned the man she was seeing I did my best to contain the shock on my face!
Regardless of that unexpected news, my indestructible optimism kicked in and I just focused on the positives. Here was a beautiful, smart, gracious, positive woman who wanted to spend 6 hours with me. We also shared an enthusiastic passion for movies and personal development. The universe was giving me proof that elements of my dream woman does exist! So I decided to just enjoy being in the moment. Only time will tell whether there is some kind of lasting passion to fuel this relationship.
The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
The romantic comedy The Five-year Engagement is about Tom (Jason Segal) proposing to Violet (Emily Blunt) and how events keep tripping up their plans to get married over several years. The producers of Bridesmaids also did this film so that will give you an idea of how raunchy some the humour is. The situations and the supporting cast were hilarious! And yet the film clearly communicates how true passion can ride out any life challenges and keep people together.
I am so happy and grateful I have friends that have stood by me through thick and thin over the years. There is passion in these friendships and this strong love makes the journey so much enjoyable and fun. These soulful connections are what I've also strived for with clients and business colleagues. I want my life AND career to be full of passion!
Do you have passionate, invigorating relationships in your life, career or workplace? If you identify a few you can count on in difficult times then celebrate these special people. Your journey to making dreams and goals come true will taste sweeter sharing it with soulful, caring people!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Regardless of that unexpected news, my indestructible optimism kicked in and I just focused on the positives. Here was a beautiful, smart, gracious, positive woman who wanted to spend 6 hours with me. We also shared an enthusiastic passion for movies and personal development. The universe was giving me proof that elements of my dream woman does exist! So I decided to just enjoy being in the moment. Only time will tell whether there is some kind of lasting passion to fuel this relationship.
The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
The romantic comedy The Five-year Engagement is about Tom (Jason Segal) proposing to Violet (Emily Blunt) and how events keep tripping up their plans to get married over several years. The producers of Bridesmaids also did this film so that will give you an idea of how raunchy some the humour is. The situations and the supporting cast were hilarious! And yet the film clearly communicates how true passion can ride out any life challenges and keep people together.
I am so happy and grateful I have friends that have stood by me through thick and thin over the years. There is passion in these friendships and this strong love makes the journey so much enjoyable and fun. These soulful connections are what I've also strived for with clients and business colleagues. I want my life AND career to be full of passion!
Do you have passionate, invigorating relationships in your life, career or workplace? If you identify a few you can count on in difficult times then celebrate these special people. Your journey to making dreams and goals come true will taste sweeter sharing it with soulful, caring people!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Tip#541: Synchronicity Stories – Find Help On Your Path – The Wizard of Oz
Last week was one of the most energetic, exciting and memorable weeks of my life! I believe it was due to a written goal and affirmation I made at The Mastery of Self Expression workshop I assisted at a week and a half ago (see tip#538):
"I AM so happy and grateful for the soulful connections I make each and every day!"
Immediately the day after I wrote this affirmation I experienced a rush of synchronistic encounters and situations:
• Got invited to documentary screening and met good-hearted filmmakers (see tip#539)
• Received 2 heartfelt testimonials for my new website and book
• Discovered new soulful networks for my business and services
I believe I've developed a formula for manifesting dreams and goals and it definitely accelerates synchronistic encounters and events to happen. One of these meetings was with Melanie Lentz-Janney, producer of the award-winning Rick Springfield documentary An Affair of the Heart (see tip#539). I had the chance to have a fantastic chat with her at Toronto’s Hot Docs and felt we connected on a spiritual level.
Melanie told me of her passion for the classic film The Wizard of Oz
and it affirmed the magic of my memorable week! She believed that people come into our lives to help us find our way just like in the film. Melanie shared that Dorothy learned to think for herself by meeting the Scarecrow. She explores the vastness of her heart by meeting the Tin Man and begins to develop courage as she travels side by side with the Cowardly Lion.
I felt Melanie and many others I met on my memorable week are now part of my yellow brick road and perhaps I am there for their journey too. We are there to help each other find our way forward. And these are the soulful connections I want in my life and career!
The Wizard of Oz 1939
Based on the 1900 children’s novel, the film The Wizard of Oz
is about a young girl named Dorothy (Judy Garland) who finds herself transported to a magical land called Oz. Her wish to go home leads her down the yellow brick road where she meets a Scarecrow (Ray Bolger) wishing for a brain, a Tin Man wishing for a heart and a Cowardly Lion wanting courage. Along their enchanted journey filled with challenges and learning they each help one another make their dreams come true.
If you want to have soulful connections in your life then all you have to do is BELIEVE you deserve it and make your desire an affirmation and intention. Write it down and say it out loud with a big smile! We are all traveling along our own yellow brick roads and there will always be synchronistic encounters to help us move past adversities. Be excited with the thought that these people you meet will be filled with smart thinking, a loving heart AND brimming with courage!
More Synchronicity Stories:
Tip#13: Believe In Synchronicity - 4 Movie Tips
Tip#261: Synchronicity Stories – Zappos & Twitter – I Heart Huckabees
Tip#412: Synchronicity Stories – The "Write" Direction - Elf
Tip#428: Synchronicity Stories – It's In The Cards – The Karate Kid
Tip#430: Synchronicity Stories – Let Go and Upgrade Your Life – Cedar Rapids
Tip#539: Passion, Synchronicities & Making Soulful Connections - Rick Springfield – An Affair of the Heart
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire, Empower & Motivate
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
"I AM so happy and grateful for the soulful connections I make each and every day!"
Immediately the day after I wrote this affirmation I experienced a rush of synchronistic encounters and situations:
• Got invited to documentary screening and met good-hearted filmmakers (see tip#539)
• Received 2 heartfelt testimonials for my new website and book
• Discovered new soulful networks for my business and services
I believe I've developed a formula for manifesting dreams and goals and it definitely accelerates synchronistic encounters and events to happen. One of these meetings was with Melanie Lentz-Janney, producer of the award-winning Rick Springfield documentary An Affair of the Heart (see tip#539). I had the chance to have a fantastic chat with her at Toronto’s Hot Docs and felt we connected on a spiritual level.
Melanie told me of her passion for the classic film The Wizard of Oz
I felt Melanie and many others I met on my memorable week are now part of my yellow brick road and perhaps I am there for their journey too. We are there to help each other find our way forward. And these are the soulful connections I want in my life and career!
The Wizard of Oz 1939
Based on the 1900 children’s novel, the film The Wizard of Oz
If you want to have soulful connections in your life then all you have to do is BELIEVE you deserve it and make your desire an affirmation and intention. Write it down and say it out loud with a big smile! We are all traveling along our own yellow brick roads and there will always be synchronistic encounters to help us move past adversities. Be excited with the thought that these people you meet will be filled with smart thinking, a loving heart AND brimming with courage!
More Synchronicity Stories:
Tip#13: Believe In Synchronicity - 4 Movie Tips
Tip#261: Synchronicity Stories – Zappos & Twitter – I Heart Huckabees
Tip#412: Synchronicity Stories – The "Write" Direction - Elf
Tip#428: Synchronicity Stories – It's In The Cards – The Karate Kid
Tip#430: Synchronicity Stories – Let Go and Upgrade Your Life – Cedar Rapids
Tip#539: Passion, Synchronicities & Making Soulful Connections - Rick Springfield – An Affair of the Heart
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Tip#540: Great Teamwork Movies Part 3 – The Avengers
My first experience as an assistant at The Mastery of Self Expression workshop (see tip#538) was extremely empowering and exhilarating! This was, in part, due to my fellow assistants and the incredible team we developed and maintained. In our meeting prior to the workshop we even called ourselves the Mastery Avengers and gave ourselves superhero names:
Captain Mastery
Pink Pearl
Centre-of-Attention Man
Black Kitty
Master Windu
and, or course, Motivatorman
Working together was seamless and we were very supportive of each other. Plus we were all dedicated to being of service to the participants over the 2 and a half day workshop. Our caring and loving attitudes were a testament to the greatness of The Mastery we attended ourselves in the past. And even when I needed help dealing with my own emotional issues coming up I had team-members come quickly to my aid like Captain Mastery and Enthusiazmo! That was true teamwork!
The Avengers 2012
The comic book movie The Avengers is about a superhero team consisting of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Captain America (Chris Evans). Despite their vastly different personalities they are brought together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to fight the enemy Loki (Tom Hiddleston).
What you witness is as much fighting between the heroes as with their enemies. This film is a study of how different temperaments and attitudes may cause friction but are focused into a team mentality to achieve a common goal. Each hero has a unique superpower that becomes even more effective when they help one another through challenges they face AND more so in the climactic battle. They learn to work together.
A Passion for Superhero Teams
I grew up with a passion for super hero comics like The Avengers and The X-Men that helped instill a strong sense of team spirit within me. And when I watch the live-action film adaptations it further inspires the importance of having a support team in my life, workplace and business to achieve my dreams and goals! And in return I love being part of someone else's team, whom I care about, and assist them.
Everyone has unique skill sets and talents and they can help accelerate the process of obtaining your goals in any area of your life. It is your task to cultivate meaningful connections with these individuals and create your own support team. Find people who believe in you and your goal and you are half way there. And then when you learn to work together effectively you will discover that ANYTHING is possible!
More Teamwork Movie Tips:
Tip#399: Find Your Dream Team – Micmacs
Tip#849: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 6 - Invictus
Tip#851: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 7 – Avengers: Age of Ultron
Tip#954: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 8 - Captain America: Civil War
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire, Empower & Motivate
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Captain Mastery
Pink Pearl
Centre-of-Attention Man
Black Kitty
Master Windu
and, or course, Motivatorman
Working together was seamless and we were very supportive of each other. Plus we were all dedicated to being of service to the participants over the 2 and a half day workshop. Our caring and loving attitudes were a testament to the greatness of The Mastery we attended ourselves in the past. And even when I needed help dealing with my own emotional issues coming up I had team-members come quickly to my aid like Captain Mastery and Enthusiazmo! That was true teamwork!
The Avengers 2012
The comic book movie The Avengers is about a superhero team consisting of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Captain America (Chris Evans). Despite their vastly different personalities they are brought together by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to fight the enemy Loki (Tom Hiddleston).
What you witness is as much fighting between the heroes as with their enemies. This film is a study of how different temperaments and attitudes may cause friction but are focused into a team mentality to achieve a common goal. Each hero has a unique superpower that becomes even more effective when they help one another through challenges they face AND more so in the climactic battle. They learn to work together.
A Passion for Superhero Teams
I grew up with a passion for super hero comics like The Avengers and The X-Men that helped instill a strong sense of team spirit within me. And when I watch the live-action film adaptations it further inspires the importance of having a support team in my life, workplace and business to achieve my dreams and goals! And in return I love being part of someone else's team, whom I care about, and assist them.
Everyone has unique skill sets and talents and they can help accelerate the process of obtaining your goals in any area of your life. It is your task to cultivate meaningful connections with these individuals and create your own support team. Find people who believe in you and your goal and you are half way there. And then when you learn to work together effectively you will discover that ANYTHING is possible!
More Teamwork Movie Tips:
Tip#399: Find Your Dream Team – Micmacs
Tip#849: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 6 - Invictus
Tip#851: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 7 – Avengers: Age of Ultron
Tip#954: Great Teamwork Movies, Part 8 - Captain America: Civil War
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire, Empower & Motivate
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Tip#539: Passion, Synchronicities & Making Soulful Connections - Rick Springfield – An Affair of the Heart
When I started writing this movie blog back in 2006 it was partly because I wanted to document and share the many profound synchronicities I experienced on a regular basis. They were always chance encounters or situations that instantly propelled my life, career and business forward AND they were like pivotal scenes right out of a movie!
The Hot Docs Documentary Festival is currently on this week in Toronto and my friend (Karen Beach of Ptah Design Inc.) invited me to see a movie without telling me what it was. When she arrived she was with David Dean the editor of the movie we were about to see. It was a documentary of 80's pop star Rick Springfield and it was David’s first feature. He was so down to earth and humble and I felt we bonded over our shared passion for films.
The director Sylvia Caminer and one of the stars, Laurie Bennett, then arrived and Karen introduced me to both of them. They both had beautiful energy! And what I loved about meeting all 3 of these people is once I told them I wrote a blog on movies that motivate they instantly loved my approach. They all said their movie would be perfect for my blog and I had a very strong feeling they were right! See: movie trailer
An Affair of the Heart 2012
The documentary An Affair of the Heart is about Grammy winning musician, songwriter, actor and New York Times best-selling author Rick Springfield and his loyal and passionate fan base. The film reveals many powerful insights and stories that are so universal to the human spirit that you will become an instant fan of Springfield for helping create community through his music.
Key motivating factors presented in this film:
• How passion (and nostalgia) can re-ignite positive emotional energy
• The joy of making like-minded connections
• The healing, rejuvenating power of music
• Persevering through depression
• The power of synchronicity
The most powerful fan story features Laurie Bennett who had to endure a painful, debilitating heart surgery in her early teens. A Rick Springfield album had synchronistically came into her life and she listened to his music every single day. She says his music helped heal her during the most painful time of her life.
Many years later Laurie got the chance to read a thank you letter to Springfield in person. Springfield was deeply moved and that magical moment is shown through photos taken by Laurie's husband. Laurie said that profound moment helped her release anger about the heart surgery she'd been holding onto for years.
The next day Laurie and her husband was at the airport on their way home when they found out Springfield was also there. His flight had been delayed and he was desperate to get to the funeral service of his surrogate mother. Synchronistically they were both heading in the same direction. With her husband's consent Laurie arranged with the airline to give Springfield her husband's ticket. Springfield reluctantly accepted and he arrived exactly when the funeral service commenced. As for Laurie she got to sit next to Springfield on the plane and bond as two human beings who simply helped one another in their time of need.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie on so many levels and all I kept thinking about was I needed to see this film again! To the thrill of the audience (and me!) Springfield showed up at the end of the screening to answer questions. He looked amazing at the age of 62! Later Karen and I were invited to go out for drinks with the filmmakers Sylvia, David and Laurie.
I was absolutely thrilled to be sitting next to Laurie and hear more about her experiences and passion for Springfield’s music. It not only healed her it connected her to other like-minded people who shared her passion. We then bonded over the healing power of movies and how she loved my service for providing movie prescriptions for people going through difficult times.
It was also exciting to share my enthusiasm for the movie to the editor David and the director Sylvia. I knew this incredible movie could inspire people who were not necessarily Springfield fans and I offered to help promote it on my social media channels. They were all very grateful for my offer and I just felt a deep bond being created between heart-based people. And ironically these like-minded connections are what the film celebrated!
Share Your Passion With Others
Sharing a passion is amazing because it can magnetize you to new friends and experiences. And when you are open to synchronicity you are open to magical circumstances that can feel profound and even divinely guided. Sharing your passion can lead to making soulful connections that can become a source of happiness, comfort and inspiration. And isn't that what we all desire?
If you read this in time you can see a final screening of An Affair of the Heart at Hot Docs, Thursday, May 3rd, 6:30pm. See Details
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover Movies that Inspire, Empower & Motivate
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
The Hot Docs Documentary Festival is currently on this week in Toronto and my friend (Karen Beach of Ptah Design Inc.) invited me to see a movie without telling me what it was. When she arrived she was with David Dean the editor of the movie we were about to see. It was a documentary of 80's pop star Rick Springfield and it was David’s first feature. He was so down to earth and humble and I felt we bonded over our shared passion for films.
The director Sylvia Caminer and one of the stars, Laurie Bennett, then arrived and Karen introduced me to both of them. They both had beautiful energy! And what I loved about meeting all 3 of these people is once I told them I wrote a blog on movies that motivate they instantly loved my approach. They all said their movie would be perfect for my blog and I had a very strong feeling they were right! See: movie trailer
An Affair of the Heart 2012
The documentary An Affair of the Heart is about Grammy winning musician, songwriter, actor and New York Times best-selling author Rick Springfield and his loyal and passionate fan base. The film reveals many powerful insights and stories that are so universal to the human spirit that you will become an instant fan of Springfield for helping create community through his music.
Key motivating factors presented in this film:
• How passion (and nostalgia) can re-ignite positive emotional energy
• The joy of making like-minded connections
• The healing, rejuvenating power of music
• Persevering through depression
• The power of synchronicity
The most powerful fan story features Laurie Bennett who had to endure a painful, debilitating heart surgery in her early teens. A Rick Springfield album had synchronistically came into her life and she listened to his music every single day. She says his music helped heal her during the most painful time of her life.
Many years later Laurie got the chance to read a thank you letter to Springfield in person. Springfield was deeply moved and that magical moment is shown through photos taken by Laurie's husband. Laurie said that profound moment helped her release anger about the heart surgery she'd been holding onto for years.
The next day Laurie and her husband was at the airport on their way home when they found out Springfield was also there. His flight had been delayed and he was desperate to get to the funeral service of his surrogate mother. Synchronistically they were both heading in the same direction. With her husband's consent Laurie arranged with the airline to give Springfield her husband's ticket. Springfield reluctantly accepted and he arrived exactly when the funeral service commenced. As for Laurie she got to sit next to Springfield on the plane and bond as two human beings who simply helped one another in their time of need.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie on so many levels and all I kept thinking about was I needed to see this film again! To the thrill of the audience (and me!) Springfield showed up at the end of the screening to answer questions. He looked amazing at the age of 62! Later Karen and I were invited to go out for drinks with the filmmakers Sylvia, David and Laurie.
I was absolutely thrilled to be sitting next to Laurie and hear more about her experiences and passion for Springfield’s music. It not only healed her it connected her to other like-minded people who shared her passion. We then bonded over the healing power of movies and how she loved my service for providing movie prescriptions for people going through difficult times.
It was also exciting to share my enthusiasm for the movie to the editor David and the director Sylvia. I knew this incredible movie could inspire people who were not necessarily Springfield fans and I offered to help promote it on my social media channels. They were all very grateful for my offer and I just felt a deep bond being created between heart-based people. And ironically these like-minded connections are what the film celebrated!
Share Your Passion With Others
Sharing a passion is amazing because it can magnetize you to new friends and experiences. And when you are open to synchronicity you are open to magical circumstances that can feel profound and even divinely guided. Sharing your passion can lead to making soulful connections that can become a source of happiness, comfort and inspiration. And isn't that what we all desire?
If you read this in time you can see a final screening of An Affair of the Heart at Hot Docs, Thursday, May 3rd, 6:30pm. See Details
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author | Speaker | Movie Blogger
Discover Movies that Inspire, Empower & Motivate
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2012
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