That's what I experienced this past weekend, a blissful time away at a friend's cottage. It did wonders for my spirit and it always brings out the kid in me when I get into nature. I was constantly singing old TV commercial jingles like, "I am stuck on Band Aid Brand 'cause Band Aid's stuck on me!" Listen here
The Black Stallion 1979
The movie The Black Stallion
The timeless visuals in this movie reflected how I felt at the cottage. I felt like an eternal, happy child living in the moment with no worries of the past or future. Magically, I could also hear the beautiful music from the film while gazing out on the sparkling lake. Listen here
Whenever you get a chance, get away from the bustle and stresses of the city and every day life. Take time to surround yourself with the sound of a breeze blowing through majestic green trees. Treat yourself to fresh air and a blissful swim of a peaceful lake.
Let your eternal, happy child come out and play. Sing your favourite TV jingles or hum a favourite song. Savor the taste of a juicy fruit you love. This is what it is to re-energize your soul.
Related Tips:
Tip#367: Feel The Bliss of Nature – The Black Stallion
Tip#544: Re-Energize in Nature - The Fox and the Child
Tip#985: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 2 - The Legend of Tarzan
Tip#1103: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 3 - Open Range
Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Superhero
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
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