The magic of synchronicity is that you are given gifts in disguise that lead you down exciting new pathways in your life or career.
Another synchronicity story I'd like to share is how I connected with Zappos, North America’s #1 online shoe store. I have already written many blog entries on how this company has inspired me with their core values (see tips#213). And in my current keynotes and workshops I found myself sharing the story that led me to a tour of their head office in the US.
Here's how fast synchronicities can work...
1. In October 2008, My mother insisted I watch the latest Oprah Show episode because she was interviewing a CEO named Tony Hsieh about passion and his company Zappos.
2. I was so inspired by the CEO's message on passion that I wrote about it on my blog. (see tip#205)
3. Around the same time, one of my clients recommended I check out a social networking site I'd not heard about before called Twitter.
4. That's where I discovered that Zappos was big on using Twitter. So I started to connect or "follow" a few individuals from Zappos including the CEO.
5. Within a day the CEO was "following" me on Twitter. So the day I posted my blog about Zappos I sent the CEO a Twitter DM (direct mail) and he responded within minutes with this message: "funny you should dm me, i was in the middle of reading your blog post when i got your dm - great post! :)"
6. Then I realized their head office was in Las Vegas where I was synchronistically going to in December for my Christmas holidays. So I twittered to the CEO I was coming and he set up a tour of the company for me.
7. On the tour I learned more about the Zappos work culture and met several of the Zappos team. And at the very end of the tour I was able to meet the CEO and thank him personally. He just happened to be walking into the lobby as I was leaving.
I Heart Huckabees
Every story in literature and in the movies is filled with synchronicities that propel the plot forward. The movie I Heart Huckabees
In the film, the main character named Albert had encountered the same stranger 3 times in a day. With the help of a pair of "existentialist detectives" they unravel a synchronistic pathway that introduces Albert to other individuals with answers to this mystery AND gives Albert powerful insights into overcoming the biggest blocks in his life.
Synchronicities are always gifts from the universe. My gift from my experience with Zappos is that this company's passion and work culture has energized my spirit and I now share their success story to inspire others. The other gift is that social media networking like Twitter allowed me to connect with the CEO of a company featured on Oprah.
And now I can share this synchronicity story with you so it inspires you to be more aware of your own meaningful coincidences.
So remember that synchronicity is happening all the time giving you important signs and clues. Have a sense of fun with them. Sometimes you just have to turn off your logical mind and follow your gut to enter a new door.
And when these meaningful coincidences ask you to take action YOU MUST TAKE ACTION! It is these acts of faith that will lead you to directions in your life or career filled with amazing new experiences.
More tips about Zappos:
Tip#205: Follow Your Passion No Matter What - Zappos
Tip#213: Zappos Inspires, Part 1 - Office Space
Tip#214: Zappos Inspires, Part 2 – Patch Adams
Tip#238: The Importance of Team Spirit - Zappos – Watchmen
Tip#374: Create Your Own Universe – Tony Hsieh’s Delivering Happiness - Inception
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009