Eye candy: someone or something that is visually attractive or pleasing to look at
Sucker punch: an unexpected punch or blow
This is a challenging post because I just saw Sucker Punch and enjoyed it because of all the imaginative eye candy, surrealism and tough female characters. The dream world sequences are stunning in their visual effects and it has the excitement of a giant video game. Writing this is challenging because I've also read many scathing, negative reviews. It's as if these people felt sucker punched by Sucker Punch the film!
I felt a little sucker punched as well because it seems like key scenes were missing near the end of the film. I read afterwards that 18 minutes were cut in order to get a PG-13 rating instead of an R rating. The director Zack Snyder has already stated that there will be a director's cut reinstating the missing scenes. I'm looking forward to seeing if the new footage makes a difference.
Sucker Punch 2011
The movie Sucker Punch is about a young woman nicknamed Baby Doll (Emily Browning) about to be lobotomized as she attempts to escape an asylum with four inmate friends. The film is very surreal as it slips in and out of different realities within the mind of Baby Doll. There is one amazing and subtle scene where the camera actually moves through a mirror during a discussion between the girls.
Throughout the film there are several motivating messages shared by a narrator and a wise man (Scott Glenn). So despite my problems with the movie I still found empowering quotes that shown through like, "If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything." and "For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know."
What do you think?
Have you seen Sucker Punch? What did you think of it? Or have you seen other movies you enjoyed that critically panned or were box-office bombs? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tip#442: Discover Different Cultures through Movies - West is West
I've been seeing a lot of new release films recently that have been very inspiring. The latest is one of those movies that instantly transport me to another country where I can experience the rich sights and sounds of something new. It was through a sneak preview screening I discovered the movie West is West and so I shared the theatre with many friends from the South Asian community of Toronto.
West is West 2011
The movie West is West is a sequel to the highly acclaimed 1999 film East is East. Set in 1975 the story is about a Pakistan father George Khan (Om Puri), married to a British woman (Linda Bassett) in England, who brings his defiant 15 year old son, Sajid (Aqib Khan) to Pakistan to learn about his heritage.
Sajid's rebellious attitude in being taken to Pakistan generates much humour in the film. Despite the heat he refuses to remove his school uniform and must deal with having no flush toilets. What is also striking about the film is the balance between the comedy and drama. The father must deal with emotional repercussions from the earlier marriage he abandoned in order to remarry and live in England.
The movie was also a wonderful journey in learning more about the culture and rituals of this South Asian country. The wedding scene was vibrantly colourful and full of life! And there were fun realizations that English-raised teens like Sajid mostly knew the swear words of his native language. I could relate as I am a Canadian raised Filipino and I mostly know the swear words of my language! I'm not going to print any here because my Mom reads my blog!
What movies have introduced you to other cultures?
Many movies feature exciting cultures and countries for you to experience like the UK, South Asia, Italy, France, China and South America. What movies have you enjoyed discovering? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
West is West 2011
The movie West is West is a sequel to the highly acclaimed 1999 film East is East. Set in 1975 the story is about a Pakistan father George Khan (Om Puri), married to a British woman (Linda Bassett) in England, who brings his defiant 15 year old son, Sajid (Aqib Khan) to Pakistan to learn about his heritage.
Sajid's rebellious attitude in being taken to Pakistan generates much humour in the film. Despite the heat he refuses to remove his school uniform and must deal with having no flush toilets. What is also striking about the film is the balance between the comedy and drama. The father must deal with emotional repercussions from the earlier marriage he abandoned in order to remarry and live in England.
The movie was also a wonderful journey in learning more about the culture and rituals of this South Asian country. The wedding scene was vibrantly colourful and full of life! And there were fun realizations that English-raised teens like Sajid mostly knew the swear words of his native language. I could relate as I am a Canadian raised Filipino and I mostly know the swear words of my language! I'm not going to print any here because my Mom reads my blog!
What movies have introduced you to other cultures?
Many movies feature exciting cultures and countries for you to experience like the UK, South Asia, Italy, France, China and South America. What movies have you enjoyed discovering? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tip#441: When Do You Experience Clarity? - Limitless
Recently I've been having amazing days of blissful clarity. I've felt so focused and confident in how to rebuild my life and career a year now after my life crashed (see tip#400). Each morning I wake up excited to whatever the day brings as warm rays of sunshine stream through my windows. And I don't even need my favourite vanilla bean latte to activate this positive emotional energy I feel!
Limitless 2011
The movie Limitless is about a struggling writer Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) who discovers a top-secret drug allowing him to access his entire brain power on quantum levels. Morra is able to think at lightening speeds and has heightened his visual senses to superhuman levels.
Morra is able to finish writing his book in days, charm everyone he meets and make vast amounts of money fast on Wall Street just by studying patterns of human behavior, facts and figures. The drug allows him to access all the imagery and information he has collected over his life and organize them for instantaneous usage.
The visual effects of the movie are stunning and reminded me of another amazing film Temple Grandin (see tip#408). Though Limitless also explores the consequences of drug enhanced powers I was excited more by the concept of achieving these heightened states of clarity in natural, safe ways.
It's imaginative movies like this one that remind me my own days of blissful clarity are the result of keeping an open mind to fantastic possibilities and opportunities. I've learned to declutter my life externally AND internally and transform my debilitating mindsets. And now I feel I'm in the flow of life again!
When do you experience clarity?
Some people discover great ideas when they take a shower, some while they are jogging or just gazing at a beautiful sunset. When do you experience moments of clarity? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
"Everything is possible. When you open your mind."
Limitless movie poster
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Limitless 2011
The movie Limitless is about a struggling writer Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) who discovers a top-secret drug allowing him to access his entire brain power on quantum levels. Morra is able to think at lightening speeds and has heightened his visual senses to superhuman levels.
Morra is able to finish writing his book in days, charm everyone he meets and make vast amounts of money fast on Wall Street just by studying patterns of human behavior, facts and figures. The drug allows him to access all the imagery and information he has collected over his life and organize them for instantaneous usage.
The visual effects of the movie are stunning and reminded me of another amazing film Temple Grandin (see tip#408). Though Limitless also explores the consequences of drug enhanced powers I was excited more by the concept of achieving these heightened states of clarity in natural, safe ways.
It's imaginative movies like this one that remind me my own days of blissful clarity are the result of keeping an open mind to fantastic possibilities and opportunities. I've learned to declutter my life externally AND internally and transform my debilitating mindsets. And now I feel I'm in the flow of life again!
When do you experience clarity?
Some people discover great ideas when they take a shower, some while they are jogging or just gazing at a beautiful sunset. When do you experience moments of clarity? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
"Everything is possible. When you open your mind."
Limitless movie poster
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tip#440: Exude A Smooth Self-Confidence - The Lincoln Lawyer
A few weekends ago I enjoyed another of Jesse Wente's Reel Talk surprise sneak previews of a soon-to-be released motion picture at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. And once again the movie was synchronistically perfect for inspiring my self-confidence at a time when I needed to face an extremely difficult issue. After seeing this movie I was successful in re-activating my own confidence thanks to the movie hero.
The Lincoln Lawyer 2011
The movie The Lincoln Lawyer is a about criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller (Matthew McConaughey) who operates from the back of his Lincoln sedan. He exudes a smooth, charming, self-assured confidence in the way he communicates whether it's with hard-core criminals, biker gang members or his feisty ex-wife (Marisa Tomei).
Seeing a self-confident character like Haller is what becomes a new cinematic role-model to inspire my own confidence. These characters help me on days I feel less self-assured or lost. And what becomes even more inspiring is witnessing Haller face unexpected and challenging issues and then see how he deals with it. Haller sinks into a momentary period of feeling lost and then rises up with his positive mindset re-energized.
What movie hero inspires self-confidence for you?
There are many types of movie heroes that demonstrate different forms of self-confidence. There is brash self-confidence like in Erin Brockovich or heroic like Maximus in Gladiator. Or there is the smooth laid-back confidence of the Lincoln Lawyer. What movie hero has inspired you with their self-confidence? Please share your movie examples in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
The Lincoln Lawyer 2011
The movie The Lincoln Lawyer is a about criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller (Matthew McConaughey) who operates from the back of his Lincoln sedan. He exudes a smooth, charming, self-assured confidence in the way he communicates whether it's with hard-core criminals, biker gang members or his feisty ex-wife (Marisa Tomei).
Seeing a self-confident character like Haller is what becomes a new cinematic role-model to inspire my own confidence. These characters help me on days I feel less self-assured or lost. And what becomes even more inspiring is witnessing Haller face unexpected and challenging issues and then see how he deals with it. Haller sinks into a momentary period of feeling lost and then rises up with his positive mindset re-energized.
What movie hero inspires self-confidence for you?
There are many types of movie heroes that demonstrate different forms of self-confidence. There is brash self-confidence like in Erin Brockovich or heroic like Maximus in Gladiator. Or there is the smooth laid-back confidence of the Lincoln Lawyer. What movie hero has inspired you with their self-confidence? Please share your movie examples in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tip#439: The Helping Attitude - Battle: Los Angeles
The photos and video of the 8.9 earthquake and 7 metre high tsunami that hit Japan on Friday have been devastating to see. I have a Facebook friend that lives in Japan and thanks to his postings on his Facebook wall he let us all know he was all right.
The next day I was drawn to see the movie Battle: Los Angeles and found it riveting because it was filmed as if an alien invasion was actually happening. So in light of the disasters happening in Japan all the cinematic scenes of mass evacuations and destruction hit my emotions extra hard.
Battle: Los Angeles 2011
The movie Battle: Los Angeles is about a Marine platoon engaging alien invaders as they carry survivors to a safety zone in Los Angeles. Led by Staff Sergeant Michael Nantz (Aaron Eckhart) the story brings up the importance of fostering loyalty, respect, team spirit and inspired leadership among his platoon.
Staff Sergeant (as he is referred to in the film) finds redemption with his current platoon after losing many men on a previous mission. It is through his heroic, selfless actions does he garner respect from the officers under his command. They all end up following him wherever he leads without question or fear.
The movie reminded me of a key factor that I believe we all need reminding of every day. And that is no matter what challenges and disasters we may face we must cultivate supportive relationships we can count on. It is in the spirit of helping one person or many that we can overcome individual or large scale adversities.
Have you experienced the helping attitude?
I recently spent an evening helping lift a friend's spirit who is going through intense life changes. Have you helped someone recently? Or have you experienced meaningful help from someone else? Please let me know in the comment section below. Your examples could inspire others to take action in their own lives.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
The next day I was drawn to see the movie Battle: Los Angeles and found it riveting because it was filmed as if an alien invasion was actually happening. So in light of the disasters happening in Japan all the cinematic scenes of mass evacuations and destruction hit my emotions extra hard.
Battle: Los Angeles 2011
The movie Battle: Los Angeles is about a Marine platoon engaging alien invaders as they carry survivors to a safety zone in Los Angeles. Led by Staff Sergeant Michael Nantz (Aaron Eckhart) the story brings up the importance of fostering loyalty, respect, team spirit and inspired leadership among his platoon.
Staff Sergeant (as he is referred to in the film) finds redemption with his current platoon after losing many men on a previous mission. It is through his heroic, selfless actions does he garner respect from the officers under his command. They all end up following him wherever he leads without question or fear.
The movie reminded me of a key factor that I believe we all need reminding of every day. And that is no matter what challenges and disasters we may face we must cultivate supportive relationships we can count on. It is in the spirit of helping one person or many that we can overcome individual or large scale adversities.
Have you experienced the helping attitude?
I recently spent an evening helping lift a friend's spirit who is going through intense life changes. Have you helped someone recently? Or have you experienced meaningful help from someone else? Please let me know in the comment section below. Your examples could inspire others to take action in their own lives.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Tip#438: How Much of Life is just Chance OR Destiny? - The Adjustment Bureau
As I wrote in tip#436 I attended a powerful lecture that included other unique speakers for a conference called Continuum: Soul's Greatest Journey. Another speaker that deeply inspired me was Danielle MacKinnon who spoke on "Soul Contracts in Relationships".
Mackinnon calls herself an Animal Intuitive and Intuitive Coach and shared her fascinating insights on soul contracts between pet and humans as well as humans with humans. Because of my own profound experiences with spiritual phenomenon over the years I was very open to her thoughts on how every person we meet has a pre-arranged agreement (before we enter our current bodies) to help one another.
See more on Danielle MacKinnon: www.daniellemackinnon.com
Of course you have to be open to past-life beliefs and life after death to embrace the concept of soul agreements. In my life I have so many deep relationships that we already feel we've known each other in a previous life. The lecture also brought up more thought-provoking concepts such as how much of our lives is destined and part of some big plan. And how much of life is attributed to chance?
The Adjustment Bureau 2011
The movie The Adjustment Bureau is part romantic movie and part thought-provoking on our life paths. A politician named David Norris (Matt Damon) has his life and career changed when he meets dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). But then he is told they are not meant to be together by mysterious men who have the ability to alter the paths and thoughts of humans.
They say their secret "adjustments" are all part of guiding everyone towards the big plan written by The Chairman. So these men continually put obstacles in the way of David's mission and desire to stay with Elise. The story becomes a powerful mirror for anyone wishing to overcome adversities blocking their dreams and goals. It will also make you think about how much of the meaningful people you encounter are based on chance OR were destined to happen.
What do you believe?
Do you have relationships that feel so strong that they mean something deeper to you? Do you feel you have a destiny to fulfill? Or do you feel that things just happen for no reason? Or do you believe there is some sort of bigger plan for us all? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Mackinnon calls herself an Animal Intuitive and Intuitive Coach and shared her fascinating insights on soul contracts between pet and humans as well as humans with humans. Because of my own profound experiences with spiritual phenomenon over the years I was very open to her thoughts on how every person we meet has a pre-arranged agreement (before we enter our current bodies) to help one another.
See more on Danielle MacKinnon: www.daniellemackinnon.com
Of course you have to be open to past-life beliefs and life after death to embrace the concept of soul agreements. In my life I have so many deep relationships that we already feel we've known each other in a previous life. The lecture also brought up more thought-provoking concepts such as how much of our lives is destined and part of some big plan. And how much of life is attributed to chance?
The Adjustment Bureau 2011
The movie The Adjustment Bureau is part romantic movie and part thought-provoking on our life paths. A politician named David Norris (Matt Damon) has his life and career changed when he meets dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). But then he is told they are not meant to be together by mysterious men who have the ability to alter the paths and thoughts of humans.
They say their secret "adjustments" are all part of guiding everyone towards the big plan written by The Chairman. So these men continually put obstacles in the way of David's mission and desire to stay with Elise. The story becomes a powerful mirror for anyone wishing to overcome adversities blocking their dreams and goals. It will also make you think about how much of the meaningful people you encounter are based on chance OR were destined to happen.
What do you believe?
Do you have relationships that feel so strong that they mean something deeper to you? Do you feel you have a destiny to fulfill? Or do you feel that things just happen for no reason? Or do you believe there is some sort of bigger plan for us all? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tip#437: Movies with Great Lessons For Children - Nanny McPhee
I have a friend who has a beautiful 6 year old son I've been lucky enough to watch grow up. The surprise is that even at a young age he was so strong willed he already developed ways of negotiating what he wanted like when to eat, when to play and when to sleep. He has the makings of a great lawyer!
Since I knew that movies could be teaching tools I brought over a children's film the next time I was babysitting this little boy. We had fun and laughed and maybe some of the movie's lessons spoke to him. At the very least I believe the seeds of the lessons had nestled somewhere in his heart and mind.
Nanny McPhee 2005
The family movie Nanny McPhee
(Emma Thompson) is about a nanny who uses magic to help teach 7 unruly children to behave better. The film takes place in 19th century England where Nanny McPhee helps the father of the children, widower Cedric Brown (Colin Firth) who clearly has his hands full!
The boy I was babysitting seemed to enjoy the movie. We both laughed out loud at all the poop and fart jokes! And when Nanny McPhee goes through her 5 Lessons with the children I hoped that he somehow heard the lessons delivered in imaginative and magical ways.
First Lesson: To go to bed when they are told
Second Lesson: To get up when they are told
Third Lesson: To get dressed when they are told
Fourth Lesson: To listen (and say thank you)
Fifth Lesson: To do as they are told
Have you discovered a movie with great lessons for children?
Do you have children and know a film that teaches great lessons for them? Do you know favourite movies of a child that you know have valuable lessons? If so please let me know in the comment section below. Your movie discovery could help many other parents and caregivers!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Since I knew that movies could be teaching tools I brought over a children's film the next time I was babysitting this little boy. We had fun and laughed and maybe some of the movie's lessons spoke to him. At the very least I believe the seeds of the lessons had nestled somewhere in his heart and mind.
Nanny McPhee 2005
The family movie Nanny McPhee
The boy I was babysitting seemed to enjoy the movie. We both laughed out loud at all the poop and fart jokes! And when Nanny McPhee goes through her 5 Lessons with the children I hoped that he somehow heard the lessons delivered in imaginative and magical ways.
First Lesson: To go to bed when they are told
Second Lesson: To get up when they are told
Third Lesson: To get dressed when they are told
Fourth Lesson: To listen (and say thank you)
Fifth Lesson: To do as they are told
Have you discovered a movie with great lessons for children?
Do you have children and know a film that teaches great lessons for them? Do you know favourite movies of a child that you know have valuable lessons? If so please let me know in the comment section below. Your movie discovery could help many other parents and caregivers!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Tip#436: Healing Movies For Grieving The Loss of a Loved One
I just saw best selling author David Kessler of Grief.com give a powerful lecture on hospice and the dying here in Toronto. Having worked with Elisabeth Kübler Ross and Mother Teresa, Kessler learned that all the dying truly wanted was "tender loving care". He told amazing stories of deathbed visions and also recommended Clint Eastwood's powerful afterlife movie Hereafter (see tip#396) which he consulted on.
See more at: Grief.com
Synchronistically I've recently been contacted in reference to the death of a loved one. Several weeks ago I received a Facebook message from someone I met at a personal development workshop. She told me her father just passed away that morning and asked if I could recommend any healing movies. I was immediately moved to tears. It felt like the universe was reminding me that I could help people on a deeper, personal level with my experiences with films that healed me.
Within minutes I forwarded several blog articles I wrote and highlighted 4 recommended movies: Meet Joe Black, The Family Stone, Field of Dreams, Frequency. She was very grateful. Soon after a friend was also dealing with the death of a loved one so I forwarded the same information to him.
Here are 14 blog articles. If you know someone who is grieving feel free to forward this list:
1. How To Say Goodbye – Meet Joe Black
2. Gifts from Heaven – Field of Dreams - Frequency
3. Gifts from Heaven Part 2 – What Dreams May Come
4. Believe in the Impossible – Ghost
5. Facing The Death of a Loved One – The Incredible Hulk
6. The Circle of Life – 3 Movie Tips
7. How Sorrow Connects – Michael Jackson Memorial – Deep Impact
8. Believe In Magic During The Holidays – The Shiny Dimes – The Family Stone
9. Purge and Reprogram Your Life – TRON: Legacy
10. Praying, Faith & Indestructible Optimism - Unconditional
11. Fill Your Life with Wonder - Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
12. See Life As An Adventure, Part 6 – The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
13. The Power of Emotional Release, Part 3 - A Monster Calls
14. How To Keep Memories of Loved Ones Alive - Coco
Here are my Top 10 Movies for Grieving:
• A Monster Calls (2016)
• Coco (2017)
• Field of Dreams (1989)
• Frequency (2000)
• Hereafter (2010)
• Deep Impact (1998)
• The Family Stone (2005)
• Meet Joe Black (1998)
• Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (2007)
• Unconditional (2012)
What Movies Have You Found Healing For Grieving?
Have you found comfort in a movie dealing with the death of a loved one? If so please let me know in the comment section below. Your movie discovery could help uplift others too.
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Look up your favourite movies and the motivational tips
written for them: Click here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
See more at: Grief.com
Synchronistically I've recently been contacted in reference to the death of a loved one. Several weeks ago I received a Facebook message from someone I met at a personal development workshop. She told me her father just passed away that morning and asked if I could recommend any healing movies. I was immediately moved to tears. It felt like the universe was reminding me that I could help people on a deeper, personal level with my experiences with films that healed me.
Within minutes I forwarded several blog articles I wrote and highlighted 4 recommended movies: Meet Joe Black, The Family Stone, Field of Dreams, Frequency. She was very grateful. Soon after a friend was also dealing with the death of a loved one so I forwarded the same information to him.
Here are 14 blog articles. If you know someone who is grieving feel free to forward this list:
1. How To Say Goodbye – Meet Joe Black
2. Gifts from Heaven – Field of Dreams - Frequency
3. Gifts from Heaven Part 2 – What Dreams May Come
4. Believe in the Impossible – Ghost
5. Facing The Death of a Loved One – The Incredible Hulk
6. The Circle of Life – 3 Movie Tips
7. How Sorrow Connects – Michael Jackson Memorial – Deep Impact
8. Believe In Magic During The Holidays – The Shiny Dimes – The Family Stone
9. Purge and Reprogram Your Life – TRON: Legacy
10. Praying, Faith & Indestructible Optimism - Unconditional
11. Fill Your Life with Wonder - Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
12. See Life As An Adventure, Part 6 – The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
13. The Power of Emotional Release, Part 3 - A Monster Calls
14. How To Keep Memories of Loved Ones Alive - Coco
Here are my Top 10 Movies for Grieving:
• A Monster Calls (2016)
• Coco (2017)
• Field of Dreams (1989)
• Frequency (2000)
• Hereafter (2010)
• Deep Impact (1998)
• The Family Stone (2005)
• Meet Joe Black (1998)
• Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (2007)
• Unconditional (2012)
What Movies Have You Found Healing For Grieving?
Have you found comfort in a movie dealing with the death of a loved one? If so please let me know in the comment section below. Your movie discovery could help uplift others too.
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Look up your favourite movies and the motivational tips
written for them: Click here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Tip#435: What's Your Version? - Barney's Version
I recently got a call from Francis D'Souza, a reporter from Citytv News who saw my Youtube video of my G20 riot police experience back in June 2010. It's a video I've received many positive and negative comments about. In this case this reporter was eager to interview me within the hour for the evening news.
Scroll down at this Citytv link to see interview: Click here
My story itself was part of the controversial police tactics used called kettling that I, along with other non-protesters, were caught in at Queen St. and Spadina Ave. here in Toronto. Even though I was just on my way home at the time I was criticized for not staying indoors or even being in the city that weekend. Whatever anyone chooses to think, I am simply sharing my version of the story.
Barney's Version 2010
The movie Barney's Version
is based on a novel by Mordecai Richler about the life of an impulsive and fearlessly blunt man named Barney Panofsky (Paul Giamatti). His story spans 3 marriages and the ups and downs of an intriguing life and career.
At first I wasn't sure where this movie was going but after about 1/2 an hour I was hooked and enthralled by Barney's story and his relationships. I was so immersed in the tale that I forgot I was in a movie theatre. There was something about the actor's performances and the relationships that drew me into this man's world. Barney was a flawed human being and yet he had so much heart. We were just seeing his version of how he saw his life.
The movie was highly recommended by a Facebook Friend and his enthusiasm for the film was so strong I ended up seeing it the next day. That's why I love social media, like-minded people gravitate towards one another.
Your Version of Life
As for my G20 experience, I always felt I had a higher purpose being corralled by riot police and somehow being interviewed for a video I was compelled to shoot confirms this feeling. And if I end up helping others in some way for telling my version of what happened then that would be absolutely fantastic.
Be confident in whatever version of life you want to live or share with others. That's how you connect with like-minded people. That's also the beauty of social media like Facebook and Youtube. There will be individuals around the planet that will connect with how you see the world. They want to hear your story. So keep believing in your own story!
Read 12 Part Series of my G20 Riot Police Experience: Click here
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JOIN ME on YOUTUBE: Click here
Look up your favourite movies and the motivational tips
written for them: Click here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Scroll down at this Citytv link to see interview: Click here
My story itself was part of the controversial police tactics used called kettling that I, along with other non-protesters, were caught in at Queen St. and Spadina Ave. here in Toronto. Even though I was just on my way home at the time I was criticized for not staying indoors or even being in the city that weekend. Whatever anyone chooses to think, I am simply sharing my version of the story.
Barney's Version 2010
The movie Barney's Version
At first I wasn't sure where this movie was going but after about 1/2 an hour I was hooked and enthralled by Barney's story and his relationships. I was so immersed in the tale that I forgot I was in a movie theatre. There was something about the actor's performances and the relationships that drew me into this man's world. Barney was a flawed human being and yet he had so much heart. We were just seeing his version of how he saw his life.
The movie was highly recommended by a Facebook Friend and his enthusiasm for the film was so strong I ended up seeing it the next day. That's why I love social media, like-minded people gravitate towards one another.
Your Version of Life
As for my G20 experience, I always felt I had a higher purpose being corralled by riot police and somehow being interviewed for a video I was compelled to shoot confirms this feeling. And if I end up helping others in some way for telling my version of what happened then that would be absolutely fantastic.
Be confident in whatever version of life you want to live or share with others. That's how you connect with like-minded people. That's also the beauty of social media like Facebook and Youtube. There will be individuals around the planet that will connect with how you see the world. They want to hear your story. So keep believing in your own story!
Read 12 Part Series of my G20 Riot Police Experience: Click here
JOIN ME on FACEBOOK: Click here
JOIN ME on TWITTER: Click here
JOIN ME on YOUTUBE: Click here
Look up your favourite movies and the motivational tips
written for them: Click here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
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