Since I knew that movies could be teaching tools I brought over a children's film the next time I was babysitting this little boy. We had fun and laughed and maybe some of the movie's lessons spoke to him. At the very least I believe the seeds of the lessons had nestled somewhere in his heart and mind.
Nanny McPhee 2005
The family movie Nanny McPhee
The boy I was babysitting seemed to enjoy the movie. We both laughed out loud at all the poop and fart jokes! And when Nanny McPhee goes through her 5 Lessons with the children I hoped that he somehow heard the lessons delivered in imaginative and magical ways.
First Lesson: To go to bed when they are told
Second Lesson: To get up when they are told
Third Lesson: To get dressed when they are told
Fourth Lesson: To listen (and say thank you)
Fifth Lesson: To do as they are told
Have you discovered a movie with great lessons for children?
Do you have children and know a film that teaches great lessons for them? Do you know favourite movies of a child that you know have valuable lessons? If so please let me know in the comment section below. Your movie discovery could help many other parents and caregivers!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
The 5th lesson covers the first 3 lessons. To Behave and to have some manners are the only messages there. Common sense.
Iron Giant (you are who you choose to be) my kids lovved it and understood the message. it's simple, fun, great flick....
Eda M.
My girls Love August Rush! They both said that its a feel good movie. That it makes you believe in and follow your dreams.
Colleen S.S.
Lessons - "Powder" -- that's about the best movie I ever saw with lessons for children around self-esteem and respect forthe earth
Kath G
"Up" has to be one of the most moving cartoons I've seen, and its a great lesson teacher for adults ;
Piera B
All Movies with PIPPI LANGSTRUMPF are just perfect 4 kidz!
Nathalie K
Oberursel, Germany
The Colour of Friendship!!! one i watched a lot with my daughters. It's based on a true story first of all, and although most true stories end sadly this one does not. It's also about teen agers, and living in the 70's, and apartheid. You will not be the same when the credits roll. I look forward to your perspective...
Gillienne S
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