Frog In The Well
Imagine you are a frog in a well content to live out your life there. Suddenly one day a bucket drops down from above. You get in and then lifted up to the top of the well for the first time ever. There you see a whole new world you never knew existed. It's a world full of opportunities, abundance, new ideas, new sights and sounds and flavours to experience. What would you do next?
I felt like that frog in the well when I spent my first day in New York City on my recent vacation. Though I had been a handful of times since I was a kid, this time I was much more aware of the sheer magnitude and sheer density and volume of this incredible city.
It was a gorgeous sunny morning when I arrived by plane. I dropped off my luggage with my friends in Brooklyn where they immediately took me for a walk through their neighbourhood towards the nearest subway. We strolled by brownstone buildings ripe with history and full green trees dotting the avenues. It was a half hour walk that would give me a hint of the intense walking and exploring I'd be doing during my trip!
At the subway I looked at the Metro transit map and it reminded me of the vastness of NYC and the surrounding boroughs. I was excited. I had forgotten about the grittiness of the subway stations that was also part of the city's legacy. I took the train directly into Manhattan towards Union Square. Walking up into the thick of the city was when the energy truly hit me.
Suddenly I was in the massive flow of the Big Apple! The sound volume cranked up and I was in a sea of people, retail stores and skyscrapers that went on and on. The classic NY hotdog and pretzel vendors were everywhere. Plus there were other delicious aromas spicing up the air from specialty vendors cooking up lamb and chicken dishes with rice.
Crocodile Dundee
and Frodo Baggins
This explosion to the senses reminded me of the film,
Crocodile Dundee
starring Paul Hogan. In the movie you got to see through Dundee's eyes of New York City's diverse textures and gritty culture and characters. For him it was a completely different vibe and landscape from his quiet, meditative outbacks of Australia.
But for me I felt more like Frodo Baggins and his adventures outside his home of the Shire from the
Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
The movie series opens with Frodo living in his peaceful countryside nook that soon pales to the loud contrast of the great lands he would encounter. It is the immense scale of landscapes and architectural immensities and the colourful characters Frodo experiences that would mirror my own adventures in New York City.
Law of Attraction in The Big Apple
Products, food and services were in such abundance that it was very quick to find whatever I was looking for. So I put the law of attraction to the test. One item I wanted to get was the amazing
Peaceful Warrior
(see tip#69). In Canada it's being sold at an import price of about $30 after taxes. My gut told me I’d get a better deal in the States so I visualized purchasing the DVD for $15. Well within an hour of being in Manhattan I found it at a BestBuy for $14.99. Okay, so I was off by one penny!
I'm glad I trusted my gut because as an added bonus this store had one special DVD copy left that came wrapped with a free book of the original novel. What a gift!
It was also a paradigm busting experience to walk along 34th street and see one huge H&M store and another just down the same block on the other side. I was starting to see that there was a massive flow of abundance and commerce everywhere I went. It was like the air was filled with a strong confidence of a knowing that products and services would move quickly because there is an ongoing, ever present demand. People in NYC just expected it and the city delivers.
Testosterone In The Air
The closest analogy of this NYC vibe I was feeling came from my friend I was staying with who said there is more "testosterone in the air" then in Toronto. That strong confidence I mentioned had a permeating subtle form of aggression in it. Just enough assertive energy to help someone get what they want, say what they want and stand their ground when they wanted.
This proactive, tough, resilient energy was in the people all around me. It was in all the stores, parks and restaurants I entered. It was etched into all the buildings I passed that have survived for decades.
This was exactly what I talked about in
tip#19 "Unleash Your Inner 007" at the start of this year. 2007 was the year I was going to unleash my inner tenacity and assertiveness to make my dreams come true. It seems perfect that the law of attraction has led me to NYC to give my soul a testosterone energy juice injection!
Absorbing The Gifts
My trip to New York City affected me deeply. When I returned home to Toronto it felt like I'd been away for 2 weeks. I'd only been gone 5 days. And I definitely crammed in a lot during that time because my body later reacted like I had a cold forcing me to slow down and recuperate.
I believe that the gift of this NYC testosterone shot was potent because I needed several days anyways just to collect my thoughts. I needed to relax, nurse my cold and see how I could apply this new proactive attitude and energy. As I sneezed and blew my nose I imagined I was blowing out my old limiting paradigms of money and abundance. I was making room for the new paradigms that will attract my goals for a prosperous career and life.
Overall this NYC adventure helped me visualize a massive flow of abundance and opportunity for myself. I felt recharged! I'm glad I chose to venture beyond my Toronto fence.
Find Your Energy Injection
You can benefit too if you venture beyond the invisible fences of your own life. New locations will help you visualize new possibilities, new options and new opportunities. They help inspire you to build that hunger in your belly and get motivated to do what you have to do to achieve your goals. Find that energy injection that will accelerate you towards your dreams.
A city like New York can stimulate abundant possibilities and reactivate your drive. What cities stimulate you? What places beyond your own neighbourhood make you feel revitalized? Is there a place somewhere around the world that is calling you?
You may be being called to a revitalizing energy source. Follow your gut and go to these places. Tap into the power generators within the lands you are drawn to. Recharge your batteries.
And if you feel you are like that frog in the well then break your routine and jump out for a little while. See other exciting realities beyond your own backyard.
Emmanuel Lopez
Life Skills & Career Development
www.motivatorman.com© Emmanuel Lopez 2007