Before you begin your new year it is a great practice to take stock of your achievements of this past year. To read more details see Tip#16: Take Stock Of Your Achievements of last year. Below are the steps for doing your own list and my personal list for 2007.
Look at where you were during the year under each of these categories:
a) Career b) Relationships c) Life Challenges
Helpful triggers:
a. Look back at each month and review your emails, day timer, etc.
b. Remember the challenges you were going through at the time.
c. Remind yourself of fears you faced, projects you had completed over the year or relationships you developed or ended.
d. Ask a friend or family member if they remember any successes you had. Maybe it was something you were searching for and finally found.
Write down as many successes as you can under each category.
Celebrate these successes today by treating yourself to: a favourite beverage, food, movie, etc. This raises your positive energy, positive attitude and self-esteem to utilize the law of attraction and magnetize more successes!
When you do your list and you'll see how much you’ve moved forward with previous goals. It'll excite you to see that every accomplishment is moving you forward.
Here is my list for 2007:
a) Career:
-Found a new workshop space which led to new wellness centre audience
-Created promo card that focused my services and opened doors to several new corporate wellness opportunities
-Organized my assets (motivational product concepts, artworks, stories, etc.)
-Discovered new methods of productive thinking about money and relationships from speakers Bob Proctor, Michael Losier, Robert Kiyosaki, Chris Gardner
b) Relationships:
-Made new friends and contacts that believe in me and my path
-Disconnected from toxic relationships quicker than in the past
-Applied law of attraction for my soul mate and made many strides forward
c) Life Challenges:
-Discovered a revelation about my father bringing clarity to ALL my current challenges with money
-Let go of old clothes and home items (old energy) for new ones (new energy)
-Discovered simple protein shake diet that dramatically increased energy and clarity of thinking
So remember that your achievements can be anything you did that made you feel great and better about yourself as a person. This feel good energy is what will fuel the success of your new year's resolutions and goals.
The Incredibles
There's a scene in the Pixar animated movie, The Incredibles
It's easy to forget the accomplishments you've made over the year. This is why it's important to look back and see the value of the year that has ended and to enter the new year full of shining optimism and drive.
Happy New Year to you!
And please email me to share any of your achievements this past year.
Emmanuel Lopez
Silverlining Specialist & Motivational Wingman
© Emmanuel Lopez 2007