Enjoying the Thornhill Woodlots!
I’ve recently enjoyed several mental health days walking in forests that were so incredibly rejuvenating and soothing! I could really sense the oxygen and life force the trees and plants were giving out. I could also feel my spirit soaking it up along with the lush greenery all around me. This is why getting into nature and sunlight is highly recommended for uplifting moods and mental health.
Soaking up the lush green of the Ellesmere Ravine!
Other fun benefits to these forest walks were sharing it with a friend and their pets. When I explored Ellesmere Ravine in Scarborough with my friend Michael his cat Scamp joined us! Going to the Thornhill Woodlots in the City of Vaughan with my pal Tammy and two Russian dogs named Lucy and Uma she was caring for. And my friend Jeff introduced me to his dog Luke’s favourite trails in High Park. It was simply blissful!
Loving the trails of High Park!
Here is a great article on why being in nature is one of the best medicines for mental health improvement: The Nurture of Nature: Natural Settings and Their Mental Health Benefits
The article also talks about the positive effects of just viewing nature. Studies support the idea that both physical healing and stress recovery are facilitated by viewing a natural scene which is what I always feel when I’m walking amongst trees or even seeing colourful flowers in neighborhood gardens. I’ll even feel good seeing lush green settings in a movie especially when they show that majestic beautiful of country scenes!
Open Range (2003)
The western drama film, Open Range, is about two open range cattlemen in 1882 Montana standing up for their rights against corrupt and violent lawmakers and an evil landowner. This movie features so many stunning lush landscapes, a riveting story and excellent performances by Robert Duvall as Boss Spearman, Annette Benning as Sue Harlow and Kevin Costner as Charley who also directed this film. See: movie trailer
The movie opens with wondrous shots of the pure beauty of timeless country (filmed in Stoney Indian Reserve in Alberta, Canada) which immediately took my breath away! Even though it was a cinematic representation of nature I still felt my spirit and moods lift with positive emotional energy.
I actually knew nothing about this film before watching it so I was pleasantly surprised at the romantic aspect weaved within the drama and gunfights. Plus it features one of Robert Duvall’s best performances. This really is a hidden gem of a film that I highly recommend seeing! The bonus was finding many motivational themes demonstrated by the movie heroes…
Inspiring Themes:
• Courage
• Confidence
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Leadership
• Supportive Relationships
• Honor & Integrity
Sometimes we can lose ourselves in our work or problems in life. And yet it is so important to remember to have a work/life balance that includes time in nature. Remember the feel-good feelings of breathing in the fresh air of a forest, a flower or stream. Remember the soothing sensations of gazing at the lush green of trees and blowing grass. And if you’re not able to get out in nature you can still feel energized by beautiful scenery seen in a movie. Get yourself re-energized today!
Related Tips:
Tip#367: Feel The Bliss of Nature – The Black Stallion
Tip#544: Re-Energize in Nature - The Fox and the Child
Tip#985: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 2 - The Legend of Tarzan
Tip#1103: Re-Energize in Nature, Part 3 - Open Range
See Now: Movies for Motivation A to Z
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire, Motivate & Empower You!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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