PERSEVERANCE: Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement
No matter what mood I’m in, especially when dealing with clinical depression symptoms, I am still passionate about creating content for motivational movie tips and foodie photos to inspire others on my social media channels. It’s like a joyful built in inner drive method for enjoying life whenever I feel lost, stuck or alone!
I’ve been wanting to reach more people around the world who could benefit from my content and personal experiences but haven’t reached my goals yet. No matter what I still persevere despite whatever blocks a keep hitting. On a beautiful sunny Saturday recently I was feeling stuck on the next step in my motivational work and sat in silence in a coffee shop with my iPhone in hand.
I then felt the urge to review my photos to post on my Film Food Friends Project page on Instagram. I started writing the motivational text for the posts with related hashtag words so others could find the post and was fully aware how much I loved doing all this. I could feel my passion for what I was doing and realized I just have to keep persevering with what I love doing! See: My Instagram
See more of my movie tips & foodie photos: My Instagram
The Untouchables (1987)
The drama film, The Untouchables, is about Eliot Ness (Costner) forming the Untouchables team to bring crime kingpin Al Capone (De Niro) to justice during Prohibition in 1930. With an outstanding music soundtrack, this highly stylish and beautifully photographed movie has many memorable, iconic scenes and engaging performances by De Niro, Costner, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia and Billy Drago. See: movie trailer
I remember seeing this film when it first came out in 1987 and immediately loved it. I was already a big fan of director Brian De Palma and loved every carefully choreographed scene especially the famous stairway shootout in Union Station. The music by Ennio Morricone was also so memorable for every scene kicking off with the cool opening titles!
When I recently watched the movie for the first time in decades I was struck by the passion of Eliot Ness and his team. I could recognize they each had a strong belief and boundless enthusiasm for their work. This was their passion that helped form strong leadership and teamwork and drove them to persevere whenever they got stuck or hit roadblocks. And though some don’t make it to the end they still accomplished their goal and helped make history.
Inspiring Themes:
• Courage
• Confidence
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Strategic Thinking
Memorable movies are the ones that affect us emotionally and can provide inspirational messages to persevere when facing problems in life and in our work. They can mirror the inner strengths we have inside when we feel lost, stuck or alone. Let these films remind us of our passion which is the fuel to fire up our perseverance and resilience when we need it most. Be inspired today to ignite that inner fire!
Related Tips:
Tip#534: Passion & Perseverance, Part 1 – 100th Year Anniversary - Titanic
Tip#543: Passion & Perseverance, Part 2 – The Natural, Director's Cut
Tip#652: Passion & Perseverance, Part 3 - The Company You Keep
Tip#691: Passion & Perseverance, Part 4 - Rocky
Tip#731: Passion & Perseverance, Part 5 – The Right Kind of Wrong
Tip#752: Passion & Perseverance, Part 6 - Dolphin Tale
Tip#760: Passion & Perseverance, Part 7 - Today’s Special
Tip#774: Passion & Perseverance, Part 8 - Roger Ebert - Life Itself
Tip#864: Passion & Perseverance, Part 9 - Danny Collins
Tip#885: Passion & Perseverance, Part 10 - Outbreak
Tip#953: Passion & Perseverance, Part 11 - Eddie the Eagle
Tip#1104: Passion & Perseverance, Part 12 – The Untouchables
See Now: Movies for Motivation A to Z
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire, Motivate & Empower You!
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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