Dances with Wolves (1990)
I had a re-energizing adventure spending three days at a friend’s home near the Etobicoke lakeshore. With a wonderful cottage vibe, the rainy weekend, the lush green of his garden, red cardinals singing and his playful Jack Russell and chubby tabby cat helped revitalize my spirit after a long bout with a cold virus that left me drained of energy. All these factors were excellent mental health therapy!
We also watched several movies that I recommended from my new Movies for Motivation website like Ready Player One, Breathe and Game Night. We also enjoyed lots of delicious popcorn and unique seasonings like white truffle oils and balsamic reduction. This awesome long weekend reminded me of how important it was to take time in nature and have fun social interactions while sharing tasty foods.
But sometimes it’s not possible to get out especially if you are dealing with clinical depression or stressful times. That’s why movies, especially ones that are favourites, can be empowering tools to lift your spirits, give you hope, and provide a mirror for your inner strengths to keep moving forward in your life or work.
Dances with Wolves (1990)
The western drama film, Dances with Wolves, is about civil war soldier, Lieutenant John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) whose life is transformed when he develops a friendship with Lakota Indians. This epic adventure is filled with sweeping vistas, riveting action scenes and engaging performances by Costner and co-stars Graham Green, Mary McDonnell, Rodney A. Grant and Tantoo Cardinal. See: movie trailer
This film is a true masterpiece that is highly entertaining while brimming with lessons on the love of nature, different cultures and fostering community. It also celebrates finding and being true to yourself no matter where it takes you in life. This is all elevated by an emotional soundtrack by the legendary John Barry which is absolutely majestic.
There are so many memorable scenes like the epic buffalo hunt, the Lakota trying sugar for the first time, romantic moments with Stands with a Fist and Dunbar befriending the wolf he named Two Socks. The film won seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director for actor Kevin Costner on his first directed feature.
Kevin Costner’s own journey of following his dream of making Dances With Wolves is also inspiring. I highly recommend you see this interview to hear why: Kevin Costner on The Graham Norton Show
I remember loving Dances with Wolves when it first came out and recently watched the four-hour director’s cut while I was dealing with a clinical depression symptoms. Thankfully the gorgeous, lush scenery and soaring music immediately brought me peace and comfort. The extra 50 minutes adds much more to the daily life and relationships of the Lakota as well as the romantic story.
This was the first time seeing the movie since I was diagnosed with clinical depression and I connected deeper with Dunbar as I witnessed him spend a lot of time alone in solitude. I felt I wasn't alone. We also shared an interest in drawing and in journaling our life experiences. Dunbar became a new cinematic role model for me as he demonstrated many inner strengths along his journey into the unknown.
Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Supportive Relationships
• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Strategic Thinking
• Compassion
• Community
• Respecting Other Cultures
In the end, seeing this movie again after many years mirrored the long journey I’ve had dealing with depression. And yet Dunbar’s journey of self-discovery, finding his true self, his community and then the love of his life inspired me to persevere with renewed hope. It also reminded me that I already had my own tribe of good friends and family for support.
Through good times and bad, each one of our journeys are meant to be shared with the love and support of friends and family. We also have the love of our pets and the beauty of nature to aid and ease our mental health and wellness. And if its not possible to be with others always remember you have your favourite movies and movie heroes to give you hope. They can inspire you to feel your inner strengths and indestructible optimism again!
Related Tips:
Tip#765: Be Inspired by Someone’s Journey - Tanzania: A Journey Within
Tip#1100: Be Inspired by Someone’s Journey, Part 2 - Dances with Wolves
See Now: Movies for Motivation A to Z
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire, Motivate & Empower You!
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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