On the day of this post, November 14, 2010,
The New York Times had featured me for the first time! In the 4 years of writing this movie blog this is the biggest news I've shared. I am very excited because I had a vision this would happen. And I hope this reminds everyone that dreams can eventually come true when you first visualize what you want in your life.
Read The New York Times article:
"Who Will Be Oprah’s Last Star?"
It is also proof that, despite the many hardships and life crisis I've endured this year (see
tip#400), following and sharing my
passion for movies has been my fuel to persevere and maintain my
indestructible optimism. Being featured in
The New York Times is proof that if you dream big you can achieve big.
The New York Times
The New York Times has a daily circulation of over 950,000 and over 1,375,000 for the Sunday edition. That means over a million people may be reading about me because I'm in the Sunday paper.
Synchronistically last weekend I was featured in Canada's largest-circulation national newspaper The Globe and Mail with a circulation of over 400,000 (
see article). It’s as if I've reached an exciting tipping point from the time I've invested in using creative visualizing techniques inspired from movies I loved.
Movies have been a profound resource for me in visualizing the future I want during difficult times. Movies also kept my
positive emotional energy active and flowing when I felt exhausted and even hopeless. And the film
Julie & Julia
is the one that fueled my excitement of being contacted by
The New York Times. Seeing blogger Julie Powell receive a call from this newspaper is what excited me because it led to a whole new world of attention for her food blog. It gave me something to visualize for myself.
Julie & Julia (2009)
The biographical movie,
Julie & Julia
, is based on two true stories of French Chef Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and food blogger Julie Powell (Amy Adams). Julie endured her own hardships while blogging about her
passion for food. And she persevered to complete her mission to document online her daily experiences of cooking the recipes from Julia's book Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
What you see is Julie learning to enjoy the journey of focusing on her
passion for food. You also see the relationships that supported her on her quest. And ultimately you see that after
The New York Times publishes a story on Julie's blog, she attracted the immediate attention of journalists, literary agents and book publishers. And with this film she becomes a cinematic success story for all women and men to follow a dream or passion!
“One day, your book will change the world.”
Julia Child's story is also inspirational. While questioning what to do with her life she chooses to follow her passion for eating and persevered with cooking classes in a culinary world dominated by men. She then co-wrote a cook book that would be loved and appreciated all around the world. Her legacy would live on after her passing as a cinematic role model in this movie. Meryl Streep would later be nominated for Best Actress at the Academy Awards and win a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.
Inspiring Themes:
• Courage
• Having a Vision
• Creative Visualization
• Following a Passion
• Leadership
• Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
• Persistence & Perseverance
• Resilience
• Career Transitions
• Supportive Relationships
• Indestructible Optimism
Positive Emotional Energy
Witnessing these inspiring cinematic moments in
Julie & Julia
is what helped me visualize what I wanted for my own blog. It helped me fill my heart and mind with the excitement of successes I desired especially when I knew the movie was based on true stories. And I believe that somehow this
positive emotional energy within me radiated out into the world and made my dream come true with
The New York Times. I believe in the law of attraction and it was in full play here!
Let true-life stories inspire you to keep following your
passion. Let favourite movie heroes be your cinematic role models and help you visualize the future you want. Olympic gold medalists like Michael Phelps already use the power of creative visualization. It may also take time and many hurdles to reach your goals so remember to surround yourself with people who believe in you. Your heroes have already taken similar journeys and they can help you stay motivated. Let them remind you to keep moving forward with
indestructible optimism!
"Positive emotional energy is the key to health, happiness and wellbeing. The more positive you are, the better your life will be in every area."
Brian Tracy, Author, Personal & Professional Development Trainer & Speaker
"Who Will Be Oprah's Last Star?":
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2010