A few days after Random Acts of Kindness Week there was news of a “dancing barista” from Toronto who appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Sam Forbes is an autistic 17 years old high school student working at Starbucks and says that dancing helps him concentrate and focus. Ellen is famous for random acts of kindness so it was an emotional moment when she gave him a trip to Japan that Sam had been dreamed about since he was 4 years old.
See Dancing Barista interview: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Sam burst into tears and his overflowing show of emotion touched my heart so deeply I cried tears of joy for him. It was such a powerful moment. It was like an amplified feeling I get whenever I or someone else I witness commits a random act of kindness. My heart just feels like it’s glowing. Ellen also gave Sam's boss Chris an amazing gift to celebrate his act of kindness for hiring Sam when others wouldn't. I highly recommend you see this interview and let it move your soul!
It Could Happen to You (1994)
The romantic comedy drama film, It Could Happen to You, is inspired by a true story of a New York City police officer Charlie Lang (Nicholas Cage) who wins a $4 million lottery and splits it with waitress Yvonne Biasi (Bridget Fonda) who he couldn’t pay a tip the day before. This story shows the positives and negatives of suddenly receiving a lot of money and yet the heartwarming performances of Cage and Fonda will shine through the dark times and make you feel so good! See: movie trailer
Both Charlie and Yvonne are extremely kind and generous to others in their lives and at work so they choose to share their money with others in the city. At one subway they pay for every commuters ride home and then later treat neighborhood children to a day out at Yankee Stadium. The newspapers cover this and their actions excite readers across the city. There’s much more to this story so I highly recommend you see to lift your spirits and hopes that people can be so beautiful and kind to one another!
Inspiring Themes:
• Love & Kindness
• Compassion & Altruism
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Supportive Relationships
• Community
• Power of the Media
According to the HeartMath Institute the heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field. Their studies show this field can be detected and measured several feet away from a person’s body and between two individuals in close proximity. I love the idea that this energy is what we all feel when our hearts are touched by witnessing or instigating a random act of kindness. I love the idea that this heart energy could extend far beyond a few feet and across a city, country and even our beautiful planet! Read more: HeartMath Institute
Be inspired by movies that demonstrate random acts of kindness that will touch your heart! Be moved by real-life stories and actions people take to make someone’s day a little brighter. Treat a stranger to something that will make them smile. Do something wonderful today and you will feel your heart radiate brightly like the warm sun above!
Related Tips:
Tip#889: Random Acts of Kindness – Depression - Seven Pounds
Tip#934: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 2 – Dancing Barista – The Ellen DeGeneres Show – It Could Happen to You
Tip#1005: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 3 - Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon
Tip#1067: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 4 – Top 10 Movies for Kindness
on MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Movie Blogger
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2016