The events of the past week have been so fantastic and surreal that it may be unbelievable for just anyone to hear. These events unraveled so quickly following the positive shift I wrote about in previous blog (see tip#275). Each day something I had been thinking about or wanted just fell into my lap.
For example I would be thinking about favourite restaurants and within a day someone out of the blue would contact me and offer to take us there. Or I'd be thinking about someone specific to discuss a new business idea with and I'd suddenly receive an email from that person asking if we could meet in the morning the very next day!
This was the law of attraction in action and this is part of why I write this Movies that Motivate blog. I am compelled to document what I'm learning about life and energy and to share it with anyone in the world who is interested.
Thankfully, I have received many comments supporting my journey and beliefs. And yet, as with everything in life, I've also received comments that do not believe in what I am sharing.
The Matrix
Understanding the law of attraction and how synchronicity flows can be completely foreign to a person's belief system. It asks someone to LET GO of what they THINK they know and see something both exciting and scary at the same time. The movie The Matrix
In the movie Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is asked to believe that what he THINKS is real in his world is not true. It is so unbelievable that Neo resists this new concept. It is only over time and encouragement from his new friends that he begins to embrace the true reality. Once he BELIEVED in this new world he became empowered to unleash his innate gifts and skills.
This is an inspiring metaphor for you to bring into your own life. And like this movie there will be people who believe or not believe in what you are all about.
So if you are opening up or awakening to new concepts in your life or career remember that not everyone will support or believe in your journey. Everyone on this planet is on a unique path. The great news is there WILL be people who believe in you.
They are the ones that will fill you with positive emotional energy with encouraging comments and supportive warmth. And that growing positive energy inside you is what makes you magnetic for more abundance. Like attracts like. That is the law of attraction.
Remember everyone BELIEVES in something different. Respect these differences and keep believing in YOU.
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
Wow, Emmanuel! Good for you and congrats on mastering the Law of Attraction.
You are an inspiration to all those who know they can have everything they want (within reason and with good intention) but haven't figured out how to do it with ease and grace. :)
Love the movie The Matrix and your parallels are bang on in describing what we experience everyday.
Conflict arises from differences and your closing line is key to living a life of peace and happiness: respect for others AND for yourself.
Thank you for such as interesting and enlightening post!
Head Health Nut
I love this one. As I take stock of my life to this point and consider my next moves I hear rumblings from people around me who don't get my thinking, or aren't onboard or are partially onboard.
Something I read some time ago came to me recently as I thought of how to deal with those who don't believe. Flip side is I don't want to judge them either for having a different perspective. I don't even want to give ANY time to what they're thinking. So, these words express perfectly what I need to keep in mind...
"What other people think of me is none of my business."
Really, if you're not in support then it doesn't matter what you think of me or what I'm doing. In support doesn't mean agreement but openness to another way of thinking, seeing, being.
And by repeating these words, it becomes easier and easier to go about my business, follow my heart/spirit and peacefully co-exist with people who aren't with me in the moment.
Maureen R.
I discovered your blog yesterday while trying to find a list of contrasting attitudes published by Dr. David Hawkins. Talk about synchronicity - - this old blog on the movie Stranger than Fiction mentioned Napolean Hill (I am reading and just started a facebook group on Think and Grow rich) and seemed to be in some strange way just what I was looking for. I watched the movie with my guy and my best friend last night and it was so much what we needed. Just collecting hints for tonight's viewing and read your blog on decluttering. I am moved to tell you, Motivatorman, you are really inspiring and I can tell that you are really finding and living your passion...in all its simplicity, your blog brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.
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