Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Tip#270: Decluttering Will Free Your Mind, Part 1 – 5 Movie Tips

There is an astounding connection with decluttering your space and how it actually makes room for abundance to flow into your life.

I am currently experiencing a surge of confidence and clarity about my life and career. And I owe it to the decluttering of my space and the letting go of paperwork, old clothes, etc. This external clearing has somehow freed my mind to think more clearly and to feel lighter.

This positive feeling is a far cry from the emotional challenges I'd been documenting recently on this blog (see tip#267) but I believe it was part of the process of letting go. By clearing your space you are making room for what you truly want to come into your life.

This sounds so simple and yet I've realized that by keeping junk in our lives WE are the ones preventing abundance from coming in. And my recent studies of the subconscious mind reveals the hidden truth that the state of our spaces can mirror the state of our minds.

So decluttering is a necessary journey to getting to the core issues holding you back in life or finding your life purpose. Here are some examples of movie heroes that can mirror your own clearing.

Jerry Maguire
At the start of this story the movie hero is stripped of his current job, clients and the company he helped build. And though this situation could be a shock to anyone you will see how it freed Maguire to create the life and career he truly wanted.

Peaceful Warrior
The movie hero experiences a motorcycle accident that actually helps him clear his mind filled with negative thoughts and attitudes. This allowed him to manifest his dream by rebuilding a more soulful mindset.

The Pursuit of Happyness
Forced into being homeless allows this movie hero to let go of an old life and pursue a completely new profession that brought him joy and the income to raise his young son.

Stranger Than Fiction
A wrecking ball comes crashing into the apartment of the movie hero which becomes a metaphor for the movie hero to declutter his rigid thoughts and lifestyle. It allowed him to follow his true passions and try new, exciting experiences.

Although the animated movie hero is at an old age he is able to let go of a house he had strong emotional connections with. He realizes that new adventures in life can only happen when you release yourself of the previous ones.

Let these movies inspire you to see that decluttering has benefits for your soul as much as the physical space around you. Miraculous things can come into your life when you find the courage to let go of things collecting dust around you.

Realize that there is a strong connection with the space around you and the space in your mind. Decluttering can free your mind and fill it with a new sense of confidence and clarity!

Related Tips:
Tip#270: Decluttering Will Free Your Mind, Part 1 – 5 Movie Tips 
Tip#887: Decluttering Will Free Your Mind, Part 2 - TINY: A Story About Living Small
Tip#372: The Positives of Being Stripped of Belongings – G20 Toronto Pt.4 – Peaceful Warrior 
Tip#400: Recognize All Your Silver Linings – Under The Tuscan Sun 
Tip#653: Passion, Perseverance & People - Iron Man 3 
Tip#262: Learn To Let Go, Part 1 - Up 

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009


Candice Frederick said...

Interesting blog. and, you're right, all these movies are quite inspiring in their own ways.

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring blog man.


Anonymous said...

So true, I am as of now actually doing that. Throwing 2 bags of 'stuff' after Ive written this comment. Opening up space for new energy to come in. Thanks for sharing about what matters! (or how to DEmaterialize ; )


pinkglitterfae said...

de-cluttering in the past has made a big difference for me. There is a feeling of accomplishment and clarity once you take care of the little things that have been in the back of your mind. Now if only I could de-clutter my art room, lol! I'm afraid that is a lost cause :-)

Anonymous said...

We read your blog. It is superb. Watch reviews on forthcoming movies like Love Aaj Kal, Kambakkht Ishq, Bollywood Movies

Head Health Nut said...

Great post, Motivatorman!

Your movie examples are good because they show how the Universe can kick you into change when you're resistant.

I believe de-cluttering is a small activity that shows the Universe that you're taking action to change.

If we take the initiative to change, maybe we wouldn't need that wrecking ball to come crashing into the living room! :)