I’ve been feeling better this past week after several weeks of having the quarantine blues and it’s thanks to bringing back my daily practice of the law of attraction. It reminded me of the self-help documentary The Secret that profoundly affected my life back in 2006. I found myself revisiting tips and methods that definitely help me in the past that included the fascinating reticular activating system (RAS). It’s a scientific explanation for how the law of attraction works and I featured this on my blog for the film, Focus starring Will Smith. See: Tip#831: Creative Visualization, Part 1 - Reticular Activating System (RAS) - Priming – Focus
By reprogramming my RAS, I was able to pull my mind and moods out of depressed states by first thinking and picturing a ‘big vision” of what I want for my life and work. I then wrote these visions as goals and affirmations as if they’ve already happened and repeated them several times a day e.g. I AM FEELING SO HEALTHY & STRONG
This was one of many affirmations but it led me to insights for finding simple recipes for eating more raw veggies and fruits, doing extra long walks and running on the spot exercises per day. That led to being more focused and feeling better a little more each day which then led to even more insights of how to strengthen my mind and positive thinking.
For example, I began watching more daily YouTube videos on the RAS and that led to more insights, clarity and self-confidence! And the beauty of YouTube is it remembers your topic preferences so it would give me more videos on the RAS each day! It’s a beautiful metaphor for how the RAS actually works.
SEE: Reticular Activating System and Goals | How to Use Your Unconscious Mind to Achieve your Goals by Paul Thomas, Clinical Hypnotherapist
During this time it was no coincidence that I saw a new Hollywood film on the law of attraction concepts from The Secret. So far I’ve watched it twice and knew that I was also programming my RAS for more good to come into my life! Here’s how…
The Secret: Dare to Dream (2020)
The drama, romance film, The Secret: Dare to Dream, is about Miranda Wells (Katie Holmes) and her three children meeting a mysterious man, Bray (Josh Lucas) who brings unexpected gifts that re-ignites the family’s spirits during hard times. This entertaining film is brimming with self-help insights while also featuring engaging and heartfelt performances by everyone including Jerry O'Connell, Celia Weston and the children Sarah Hoffmeister, Aidan Brennan and Chloe Lee.
Watch: movie trailer
Watch/Rent or Buy now: Amazon Prime
Watch now: iTunes & Apple TV
Movies can affect people in so many different ways. And yet with a positive mindset going into a screening you can attract answers and insights from the story or characters to move you forward from challenges you are facing. Find a film today to watch and believe it will help you right now in raising your spirits, energy and hope!
Tip#1196: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 2 – COVID-19 – The Hundred-Foot Journey
Tip#1197: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 3 – COVID-19 – The Biggest Little Farm
Tip#1198: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 4 – COVID-19 – This Is the End
Tip#1199: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 5 – COVID-19 – Runaway Bride
Tip#1203: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 9 – The Client
Tip#1204: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 10 – The Old Guard
Tip#1205: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 11 – The Farmer’s Daughter
Tip#1207: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 13 – Hail the Conquering Hero – The Lady Eve
Tip#1208: The Recipe For Resilience, Perseverance & Indestructible Optimism, Part 14 – Back To School
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Award-winning Illustrator | Movie Blogger | Speaker | Foodie
Discover Movies As Inspirational Learning Tools!
See website: www.MoviesForMotivation.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2020
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