After being disconnected from everything I "thought" was right in my life, my true passions are shining through. I've reaffirmed my love for movies and for writing this blog. And I love exciting people about social media. I've even realized how much I love making short video movies for social media.
All these passions revolve around a desire to make heartfelt connections with people and help them connect with others. And as I wrote in the previous blog tip#354 this all feels part of the legacy I want to leave behind on the planet.
(500) Days of Summer 2009
At the beginning of the movie (500) Days of Summer
In the story Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is devastated after his girlfriend Summer (Zooey Deschanel) breaks up with him. In a disconnected state of mind he quits his unfulfilling job and slowly begins to explore his buried passion for architecture.
His shattered mindset made room for his love of buildings to shine through and soon he goes on job searches in the field he truly desired. He looks and feels better and the ending of the movie will put a big smile on your face!
Tom was a big mirror for me. He was a reminder that out of my recent struggles I will be even more aligned with my passions and purpose.
Opportunity for Renewal
So if you are experiencing the pain of life or career changes know that there is a message within this uncomfortable situation. This is your opportunity for renewal. You get to reboot your life purpose or direction to be more fulfilling and passionate. You get to re-energize yourself.
Remember there is always a silver lining under any dark cloud you find yourself under. That silver lining will lead you back to your true passions.
Take a look at my first Social Media Wingman Video Tip that I loved making: See here
And have a sneak preview of my new Social Media Wingman website: See here
I welcome your responses and feedback!
Emmanuel Lopez
Social Media Wingman
Movies That Motivate Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
hi emmanuel,
it's always good to hear positive communication in a world where it seems to always be so negative and challenging when it doesn't need to be ... as difficult as it is to push through that backdoor (the transition) and actually open that new door (full of new opportunities and hope) it's always good for us to remember that we're all trying the pushing and opening - so we're not alone even though it feels like it.
AnnaMaria T
ah, this movie was such a breath of fresgh air. it did shed light on how you refocus your focus, basically, to yield better results.
Thanks AnneMaria and Candice!
Synchronicity at its best Emmanuel :) All day yesterday and today I've been replaying the song "Sweet Disposition" in my head. I first fell in love with the song after watching 500 Days of Summer. I remember feeling a deep connection to Tom and his journey and I find myself currently in a similar situation.....all the while with that lovely, music in the background :) Once again, the Universe has a heck of sense of timing and humour ;) .
All the best!
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