You've Got Mail (1998)
I’ve been sick in bed with a cold for six days and finally getting better. I relentlessly and endlessly coughed up so much phlegm that I lost my voice. And yet I intuitively knew that I was doing a spiritual clearing and just envisioned the harsh, gross phlegm representing old, negative, destructive thoughts and beliefs that needed to leave my body!
Of course watching movies while having lots of hot ginger tea, Airborne tablets, soups and fresh pineapples loaded with vitamin C is part of healing process! Here's what I saw:
• Meet Dave
• The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
• The Firm
• Invincible
• Pacific Rim: Uprising
• Color of Money
• Payback
Awesome Audiobooks
In my delirious state in bed during the week I was using Law of Attraction to envision myself well and strong again and was soon guided to listening to amazing Law of Attraction audio books by Catherine Ponder. The first was called Open Your Mind To Receive and is 30 minutes long. The second was called The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and is over 9 hours long which I'm only 1/3 through. I was so surprised I’d never heard of this author or book before but ironically I knew my thoughts, visioning and prayers had magnetized her work to me!
Vyoo Brand + Content Storytelling Event
I believe my cold and audiobook discoveries were the result of Law of Attraction actions that started weeks before when I attended a very fun storytelling event hosted by Vyoo Brand + Content at the beautiful Vintage Conservatory here in Toronto. I met so many wonderful, like-minded new friends and business contacts while being served delicious foods and wines! The sliders were outstanding! Big thanks to Henry Wong and Michelle Flynn for hosting!
We got to know each other more when we each shared a 5 to 10 minute story about ourselves on the theme of “Beginnings”. My story related to my exciting experiences with the Law of Attraction and how I manifested free tickets to the world premiere of Cloud Atlas here at TIFF 2012! It’s a very personal story and have not featured it in this movie blog before and yet sharing it for the first time publicly triggered a renewed interest in focusing on Law of Attraction techniques for my current goals.
More Awesome Audiobooks
This event actually led me to discovering an engaging audio presentation on Manifesting Prosperity by author Eddie Coronado who, in an interview on YouTube, enthusiastically talked about Stuart Wilde and his short book Miracles which led me to the audio presentation, Creating Miracles in Your Life. I really loved these videos and played them constantly before and after sleep and sometimes in the background while I worked on my dream project!
The Movies For Motivation Online Resource
My dream project is my current goal to finally sharing my new online resource of Movies For Motivation for people needing inspiration and hope. I’ve organized 100’s of blog tips in alphabetical order of movie titles and under motivational themes, top 10 or 20 lists and movie genres. It’s been months in the making and what a blissful experience! Also joyful were the countless hours I spent designing the cool graphics series to promote on social media! I’ve been posting one a day but you can get a sneak preview of the whole series here: Cool Graphics
Feeling good feelings are key to igniting well defined thoughts and goals for Law of Attraction to work. This is why I am trusting that this sudden cold and spiritual clearing was part of the process. All I know is that I discovered a wealth of audiobooks on YouTube that not only provided relief while lying sick in bed but also filled me with inspiring true stories and new tips for using Law of Attraction successfully!
If you find yourself sick in bed and feeling awful do your best to recognize that you somehow magnetized this experience for a higher purpose. And if the concept of the Law of Attraction intrigues you then be open to the wealth of how-to information online to feed your mind and heart with. The universe is waiting and excited for you to discover the magic that happens with the Law of Attraction!
Related Tips:
Tip#9: Law of Attraction, Part 1 - The Secret
Tip#32: Law of Attraction, Part 2 - Start Small - The Secret
Tip#35: Law of Attraction, Part 3 - When You Wish Upon A Star - Pinocchio
Tip#38: Law of Attraction, Part 4 - Believe It Or Not - The Secret
Tip#1098: Law of Attraction, Part 5 – The Benefits of Being Sick in Bed
See Now: Movies for Motivation A to Z
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire, Motivate & Empower You!
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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