Collateral Beauty (2016)
I recently attended a preview screening of Collateral Beauty that was an epic, enjoyable, memorable event! Hosted by the Canadian Film Centre at the Cineplex VIP Lounge at Yonge & Eglinton Toronto, we were all treated to glasses of wine, hot delicious foods and jumbo popcorn boxes at the reception! The VIP screening room was gorgeous and it was the first time I’d seen catering set up right in a movie theatre.
My pal, Toronto Film Critic, Richard Crouse then introduced the director David Frankel (The Devil Wears Prada, 2006) for a brief Q&A prior to the film. We then watched the film in our comfy reclining seats, fresh popcorn and a glass of Chardonnay in our hands! All the while I was very aware of how good I felt and that I was currently experiencing a good mental health period free of depression symptoms (see tip#1010). And this film would be addressing this important theme of depression, health and wellness.
Collateral Beauty (2016)
The drama film, Collateral Beauty, is about New York advertising executive, Howard Inlet (Will Smith) who has a unique coping method for dealing with a personal tragedy by writing letters to Love, Time and Death. His story expands to include an ensemble of characters wanting to help Howard move forward in his life. The engaging cast includes Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Kiera Knightley, Michael Peña, Noamie Harris and Jacob Latimore. See: movie trailer
I found it fascinating how Howard utilized his coping method of writing these letters and also the “what if” fantasy factor of having Love, Time and Death become personified and have meaningful dialogues with him. For me writing this movie blog does wonders for my mental state as well as engaging in my life-long passion for photography and other creative activities like illustrations, video production and composing music. This film can inspire others to be creative in their own coping methods for mental illness challenges or dealing with trauma, bereavement or rehabilitation.
Coping with painful challenges in life can feel like an isolating, dark journey with feelings of hopelessness. But it doesn’t have to be if you choose an alternative path. Be inspired by movie heroes who are able to find creative ways of coping and are able to welcome in the help of loving, caring people. Be open to your inner strengths and good people around you ready to empower you forward!
Related Tips:
Tip#1010: Health & Wellness for the Holidays - Love the Coopers
Tip#855: How Movies Saved My Life, Part 1 - Depression & Mental Health - Tomorrowland
Tip#863: How Movies Saved My Life, Part 2 - Depression & Mental Health - Inside Out
Tip#958: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
Tip#1000: Celebrating 1,000 Movie Tips & The Uplifting Power of Cinema – In the Film song
SEE NOW: Uplifting 4 min. Hollywood movie montage & song by Emmanuel Lopez!
15 Films for Overcoming Depression & Difficult Times
The uplifting eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here
MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2016
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