Now imagine decades later and a new film triggers memories of these childhood adventures where images of these ships filled the screen in a whole new way. That’s what I got and more from the 3rd act of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! It was if my childhood memories of playing and drawing these space battles came to life. It even featured some of the same characters from the 1977 film. My inner child was in a state of overflowing bliss!
One of many drawings I did in 1977!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
The action, adventure film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, takes place just before the opening scenes of Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) and tells the story of how the Death Star plans are stolen by the Rebel Alliance. This exciting chapter is filled with nostalgic nods to the original Star Wars while introducing us to new heroes such as Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), K-2SO (Alan Tudk) and many more. See: movie trailer
Despite the bliss I mentioned there are still a few negatives I felt about certain aspects of the film but these would be serious spoilers! I will instead focus on the delight of seeing the space ships I know and loved back in action as well as the AT-AT Walkers, surprise cameos, cues from John Williams magnificent score and Darth Vader in all his glorious darkness!
What was very different that I loved was the diversity of the characters with visible minorities such as actors Diego Luna (Mexican), Donnie Yen (Chinese) and Riz Ahmed (Pakistani). And having a female lead played by Felicity Jones excited me to know that this film will inspire the idea of team spirit and of supportive relationships for people of different backgrounds.
Childhood passion is meant to be kept alive as an adult. Passion is the fuel that drives you forward on a joyful path in life and in career. Find movies that re-ignite your passions and see how exciting your life can be!
Related Tips:
Tip#178: Childhood Passions, Part 1 - The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - Star Trek
Tip#932: Childhood Passions, Part 2 – A Good Year
Tip#1014: Childhood Passions, Part 3 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Tip#758: Movies that Changed My Life - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2016
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