I recently attended The 5th Annuall JAYU Human Rights Film Festival where they screened the documentary, Prison Dogs, with a Q&A afterwards. I was very excited to see this film, thanks to Natalie Daley of Art with Impact, because when I first read about it I instantly felt it would be an inspiring film about love, hope, redemption, resilience, mental health and wellness. And, of course, there would be lots of super cute puppies!
Prison Dogs (2016)
The documentary, Prison Dogs, is about a groundbreaking program allowing prison inmates to care for and train puppies as service dogs for injured veterans. This highly engaging film focuses on five prisoners, their puppies and the vets that would receive the trained dogs. See: trailer
There are so many stories to be inspired and moved by in this film. There are the stories of each inmate and the love they develop with their puppies. And then there are the stories of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) the veterans experience and how each dog is trained to help them. There are amazing scenes of dogs being trained to turn on the lights, pull the blanket off their owner and pick up the emergency telephone when the owner has a nightmare. See: 8 minute preview
In the Q&A after the screening there was a Skype discussion with producer Jennifer Mirsky and veteran Tracy Pennycuik. Tracy shared a touching story about her dog and her husband who is also a vet suffering from PTSD. He refuses to admit he has a disorder or need his own dog but one night he experienced a nightmare and Tracy’s dog came to his rescue, turning on the light and pulling the bed covers off of him!
This is definitely thanks to the dog’s training and yet I like to see it as a form of unconditional love for someone who needed love and support. Hearing this story and seeing the dogs in action in the documentary inspired me to be more unconditional in my love with others and with myself. After all, sometimes need some rescuing for ourselves.
Movies and documentaries can mirror your inner strengths and help you believe you can be a better person. They can show you movie heroes who persevere to become better people or overcome health & wellness challenges. Even animals like dogs can show you what unconditional love looks and feels like! Be inspired today by whatever reflects the best within you!
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Tip#1013: How Movies Mirror Your Inner Strengths, Part 6 - Prison Dogs
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The uplifting eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here
MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2016
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