Watch it now: Modern Love, Episode 3
Anne Hathaway plays, Lexi, a real-life character in a true story based on Terri Cheney’s experiences who hid her mental illness as an entertainment lawyer in New York City. The show begins with many bright, fun and comedic moments in a grocery store. There’s even a fantasy scene where the lead character breaks into a song and dance number! And then the mood shifts and hits home of how this invisible disability becomes visible for the viewer as she is shown unable to get out of bed for days.
Read Terri Cheney’s New York Times interview: Coming Out as Bipolar in Modern Love and Reliving It on TV
Ironically I saw this episode of Modern Love at the same time I saw the new movie Jojo Rabbit that won the People’s Choice Award at TIFF 2019. The film also had a mix of fun, comedic moments mixed with the darkness of World War II Nazi era. It also had big life lessons for the viewers.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
The satirical black comedy film, Jojo Rabbit, is about Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) a lonely German boy and Hitler Youth who finds out his single mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding a Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) in their attic. This highly entertaining story is filled with the wild humour of director Taika Waititi who also stars as a wacky version of Adolf Hitler. The film also stars Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson and Stephen Merchant.
See: movie trailer
Watch now: Amazon Prime
Like the 1997 Italian film, Life is Beautiful, this movie puts on rose coloured glasses to add a bright, humorous light to the darkness of Nazi Germany. Through the innocent eyes of Jojo we get to see the lighter, sense of fun and adventure of what unfolded in his life. And his fantasy friend, Hitler, was actually unexpectedly hilarious and silly in every scene he was in! And, without giving anything away, the sad and painful realities of life come in to deliver home important life lessons the movie wants us to hear loud and clear. We see that different races and religions can learn to love and understand one another.
Just like in the lyrics “a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down” so does the use of comedy in movies and TV shows to deliver important messages. A sense of fun helps to raise awareness of the realities of prejudice, war and mental illness. Learning through movies can leave a lasting impression to apply in your own life. Find a film today to open your mind and heart!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Award-winning Illustrator | Movie Blogger | Speaker | Foodie
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