In my life there have been two movies that made me cry so uncontrollably that to this day I am still not sure why my emotions were triggered so deeply. The first was seeing the animated Pocahontas and the fantasy drama Powder both in 1995. They each happened at the end scenes and I knew it was cathartic but not sure for what. After so many years it happened again and this time it was at the gala screening of A Monster Calls at TIFF 2016.
First off it was thrilling to get a ticket for this gala screening at the Roy Thompson Hall where actors Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones and young lead Lewis MacDougall came up on stage. Joining them were writer Patrick Ness and director J.A. Bayona who also directed the stunning true story, The Impossible. A Monster Calls is astonishing, visually stunning and emotionally epic.
By the end of the film I was a mess and crying uncontrollably. I broke down crying even as I left the theatre though I had no idea why I was affected so deeply. I just trusted that this emotional release was necessary and I did my best not to hold back and remembered to breathe. I am grateful I was with a friend who was very supportive.
I was in an altered daze as we excited the Roy Thomson Hall and felt so lucky and honored to bump into the director. I thanked him for making this powerful film and that it made me cry so deeply. I was able to take a photo with him even though I could barely smile and my eyes were red from crying. This was a profound, memorable day.
A Monster Calls (2016)
The fantasy drama, A Monster Calls, is about a 12 year old boy named Connor (Lewis MacDougall) who is helped by a giant tree monster (Liam Neeson) to cope with his single mother’s (Felicity Jones) terminal illness. Also starring Sigourney Weaver and Toby Kebbell in this stunning, visionary, cinematic achievement. See: movie trailer
As of this writing it is the morning after the gala screening at TIFF and I am calmer and still reflective of my personal experience. The film will not be released until December 23, 2016 so I won’t share any more details of the film except for the excellent movie trailer. I just highly recommend you see this film if what I’ve just shared resonates with you.
Many of the headlines and reviews I’ve read from the TIFF screening and other film critics online are addressing their own experiences of having a good cry so I’m hoping this means this brilliant movie will be cathartic for others as well. Either way the film is so rich in many ways especially for the use of art and drawing as healing methods.
The power of cinema always amazes me whether I feel great joy or great sadness. I’ve learned that releasing strong emotions of any kind is so important to our health and wellness and I do my best to allow films to be my personal tools and methods of healing and empowerment. If you feel the same way please let me know. A good cry from a movie is always a good thing.
Related Tips:
Tip#912: The Power of Emotional Release - Supergirl - Creed
Tip#983: The Power of Emotional Release, Part 2 - Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru
Tip#986: The Power of Emotional Release, Part 3 - A Monster Calls
Tip#839: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 3 - Trapped Emotions – Pleasantville
Tip#436: 12 Healing Movies For Grieving The Loss of a Loved One
Tip#692: Have a Good Cry at the Movies, Part 1 - Shadowlands
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The latest eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here
MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2016
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