Living my life with depression has made me sensitive to seeing similar pain in other people’s eyes. It could be sadness, a sense of loss, hurt or hopelessness. When this happens I do my best to commit a random act of kindness even if it means making eye contact and giving a simple smile or saying hello to a stranger I pass on the sidewalk. Most often their eyes light up and they smile back!
I remember months ago I was walking home with groceries and feeling so low and hopeless. Suddenly an old man walking by said to me, "Have a great day!" and smiled. That simple act of kindness shocked me out of the negative mood I was in and I felt so much better for the rest of the day!
Seven Pounds (2008)
The drama film, Seven Pounds, is about Tim Thomas (Will Smith) who is on a mission to change the lives of seven people. That’s all you need to know to enjoy this unique story. I recommend you allow this mystery slowly unfold o reveal each precious piece of the puzzle right to the very end. Smith’s performance is emotionally powerful along with Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson and Barry Pepper. See: movie trailer
Smith’s performance is astonishing because of the pain you see him try to hide behind his eyes and body language. And it was fascinating to see a film where you are not sure about the central character’s motives but slowly realize he is committing random acts of kindness. Despite negative reviews by critics I found this film to be a hidden gem for many inspiring themes…
Inspiring themes:
• Selflessness & Altruism
• Perseverance
• Courage
• Sacrifice
• Redemption
Making eye contact with people can be difficult sometimes. However, if you recognize pain, sadness or hopelessness in someone’s eyes remember that a simple smile or hello can lift their spirits in an instance. Acknowledgement is powerful. And if they happen to look good then let them know that too! A random act of kindness can go a long way!
Related Tips:
Tip#889: Random Acts of Kindness – Depression - Seven Pounds
Tip#934: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 2 – Dancing Barista – The Ellen DeGeneres Show – It Could Happen to You
Tip#1005: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 3 - Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon
Tip#1067: Random Acts of Kindness, Part 4 – Top 10 Movies for Kindness
Tip#190: Do A Daily Challenge – Pay It Forward
Tip#751: The Joy of Helping Others - Clueless - Miss Match
Tip#602: You Are Awesome! Part 1 – Validation (short film)
Tip#835: You Are Awesome! Part 2 - The Duff
Tip#326: The Power of Acknowledgement, Part 1 - Groundhog Day
Tip#838: The Power of Acknowledgement, Part 2 – Mental Health in the Workplace - What Women Want
Tip#848: The Power of Acknowledgement, Part 3 – Mental Health in the Workplace - Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Inspiration & Epiphanies

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2015
Beautiful article! I like your random act of kindness to strangers, Emmanuel.
Kindness can cure most of the world's problems, I think...
Is it kind to point out typos? I hope so!
"She told me I was looking so much better then when she saw me last" should be "looking so much better THAN when…"
: ) Nan
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