An amazing thing happened the day I posted my previous blog article about making wishes (see: tip#317). In it I wrote about Laura Day's book The Circle
This response made my day and I saw it as a sign that 2010 was going to be absolutely fantastic! Being contacted by a well-known author like Laura Day for just sharing my passion and personal stories was just another encouraging clue that I will achieve my wishes and goals this year.
The Empty Cup Sign
Another startling clue came at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. I was at a house party dancing in the living room when I suddenly heard people doing the 10 second count down to the new year. Usually I am ready with a glass of champagne for the toast but this time I was holding an empty glass.
I ended up toasting everyone with my empty glass and focused on just celebrating with others who had champagne. Two days later I had an epiphany that it was a special clue and reminder of a Chinese proverb that an empty cup symbolized an open space for knowledge and abundance to pour in. I saw it as a sign that I was ready for my wishes to pour into my life in this brand new year.
Sherlock Holmes 2009
The skills of observing clues and signs permeate the re-imagined movie Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. as the world-famous detective. Throughout the story Holmes demonstrates a keen sense of identifying all the tiniest of details of every person and place he encounters.
By observing what is simply in front of him he can analyze and strategize answers and solutions to his current challenges. Holmes has developed the skills to manifest solutions at lightening speed.
Everyone has the ability to discover answers for overcoming the problems and challenges they face. You just need to stay open to the moment and observe the clues and signs right in front of you. Just maintain a positive attitude and an optimistic mindset. And remember that synchronicity is always in action sending you helpful messages, people and opportunities.
So keep your eyes and ears open for signs and clues coming your way that will solve your current challenges. Be an empty cup so you can be filled with answers you are seeking.
This is a brand new year so why not have brand new thoughts for manifesting your wishes and success. Every clue is already right in front of you!
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist For Professionals
Social Media Consultant
© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
interesting review and a great way to kick off the new year! make it a good one...
Hi Emmanuel,
This was really a great article. I loved what you said about the empty glass. I also was blown away, when I saw this movie recently, about how astute the character, Sherlock Holmes was able to pick up clues.
Emmanuel 4 President!!!!!!!!
Emmanuel for the 900 dollar bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Year!
Emmanuel, you are so amazing! I love how you turn old superstitions into positive signs from the Universe! (I remember you sharing your positive experiences with the number 13, too)
This is truly the essence of the Law of Attraction: we make our own realities and we chose what meanings we place on what comes into our lives.
I gotta see Sherlock Holmes!
Steph @ LiveLighter.org
Thanks for sharing information. I’ve written and shared my thoughts more this on my blog.
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