Blind side: Defined as the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed.
I feel I have been blind-sided these past few weeks with unexpected challenges. As I wrote in tip#322 my mind had been unfocused and my confidence shattered for my New Year's business goals.
It's now almost 3 weeks of feeling this way and thankfully I've been seeing the silver lining of this "positive pause" I've been floating in. If you can identify with these periods you'll know it can be mentally and emotionally painful because you can feel helpless and hopeless. You can feel lost and out of options.
And yet the most empowering, uplifting feeling can come from the caring, heartfelt support of friends, family and work colleagues. I truly feel blessed from the small circle of friends I have confided in recently about the depths of my challenges. They continually fill me with unlimited hope.
The Blind Side 2009
The drama sports film, The Blind Side
Leigh Anne's heartfelt actions were so loving and caring that it will inspire you wherever you are in your life journey. And seeing the positive transformations in Michael, his school grades and football playing demonstrates the power of being able to help someone in need. Equally inspiring is how Leigh Anne's entire family was quick to welcome this black youth into their home especially her charismatic little boy S.J. (Jae Head).
Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Resilience
• Self-Confidence
• Compassion
• Leadership
• Teamwork & Team Spirit
• Supportive Relationships
• Indestructible Optimism
"I promise that I will be at every game cheering for you."
So if you feel you've been blind-sided in your life, workplace or career remember that there is always someone somewhere watching your back. You are not alone. And if things are going well right now, be aware that supportive relationships need to be nurtured all the time. Be inspired by Leigh Anne's ability to help others unconditionally. She is a fantastic role-model for women as well as men.
Learn to be in the flow of positive energy that supports and nurtures. And if you watch out for someone else's blind side that same caring energy can lead or inspire someone else to watch out for yours too!
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist &
Social Media Consultant
© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
I have your blind side, my friend!
Many thanks L!
And I've got your blind side, my friend!
What a beautiful post, Emmanuel! And what timing - I just watched this heart-felt, inspiring movie just last night! It was incredible to see Michael flourish with love and support.
The best part of this movie is Leigh Anne's unwavering belief in Michael. No matter what happened, she always saw the best part of `Big Mike'.
I think this is the key to being supportive in your relationships - your belief in the greatness of others.
Emmanuel, I've said it before and I'll say it again: I believe in YOU!
Thank you for the blog post and sharing your challenges with the world. This, in itself, is a courageous act and I KNOW you are strong enough to overcome any challenge life decides to present you.
Steph @ Live Lighter.org
i didn't swoon over this movie, but i really enjoyed this review. it made me rethink the movie a bit
this was a great post. I too enjoyed this movie. I outlined it in my weekly TV show a few weeks back. I thought that it was a great example of building trust as a leader as well.
Check out the video if you would like: http://blog.yourtrainingteam.com/episode1
Thank you Candice and Russ. It always energizes me knowing that my perceptions of movies can help transform the way others view the same movie.
Thank you so much Steph for believing in me. It's amazing how powerful that statement is.
Very good review, Emmanuel. It describes really well the whole idea of this movie. I was also personally touched by how offering empowers everyone's life. A proof that the life of a human being is truly fulfilled when demonstrating compassion and love. Far beyond the appearances.
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