Passion is the universal energizer for work, life and love. And when you consciously incorporate passion into your life you fill yourself with positive emotional energy that magnetizes like-minded people.
I am excited to share that I'm part of a unique video campaign with Lavalife Prime and VideoBIO. I've been asked to present myself in 2 videos, one to promote my business and one for finding my soul mate. Yes it took some courage for the personal video!
The whole process was an amazing learning experience that helped me focus and articulate my dreams and goals in front of a camera. I learned how to be more fearless and to always speak from the heart instead of my head. That's how true passion is best communicated.
A common factor in both videos was expressing my passion for movies. This passion for cinema is a vital factor in my work as a motivational speaker and in this blog. And expressing a passion for movies was important to share so I can attract a soul mate who feels the same way.
See the videos...
1) Lavalife Prime video: See
2) VideoBIO business video: See
3) Q&A of My Experience on VideoBIO blog: See
(500) Days of Summer 2009
The romantic comedy, (500) Days of Summer
Tom later experiences a difficult breakup with her and yet it becomes the catalyst for refocusing his career. He ends up following his passion. And without giving away too much of the story, following his passion leads him to fulfilling the rest of his personal dreams.
It takes courage to follow your passion. And it takes even more courage to articulate it to the world. And yet sharing your personal interests and desires is the first step to finding others who can help and support your dreams and goals. That's how meaningful relationships are cultivated whether it be personal or work related.
So whether it's in person or using social media like LinkedIn or Facebook remember to let others know what you are passionate about. It can lead you to energizing new conversations and new, supportive relationships!
Note: A special thank you to Dennie at Similar Circles for recommending me for this video experience! See her blog: here
Professional Career Day
Thursday, November 12th, 8:30am to 1:00pm
Metro Convention Centre, North Building, Room 101, Toronto
More info: here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist For Professionals
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
1 comment:
Another superb blog post, Emmanuel!
Isn't interesting that in the hero myth, love rarely works out? It's almost as if it's a sacrifice for saving the world (e.g. Hancock)!
Or in this case, following your passion. (Gotta see this movie!)
But I think myths are just that: myths. I believe you CAN have your cake and eat it to. Why can't we have love, follow our passion and help the world, all at the same time?
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