Whatever you create in your life and career can leave a positive or negative imprint in the world. How do you want to be remembered?
I recently shared my new website featuring a retrospect of my original artworks and prints now for sale. This project reminded me of my forgotten gifts and enabled others to enjoy my creative imagination. See website: Here
The website spans different eras such as my final art college years with my Transforming Mindsets series of nu-pastel chalk portraits in 1980's and the mixed media collage artworks created for the Facts and Arguments page of the Globe and Mail newspaper (Business World series) in the 1990's.
And even when all these original artworks and prints are sold this website will remain online for the rest of the world to enjoy for years to come. I love this concept because it will be part of my legacy to inspire others with my creative spirit and the uplifting images I created.
This Is It
The documentary This Is It is an amazing record of Michael Jackson's creative legacy. Whatever you may think of this controversial artist you will be inspired by his creative visions and timeless pop music featured in this film.
The show that was being developed would have featured songs from different eras of Jackson’s career. You see him practice performances of songs like "Wanna Be Startin' Something" from the album Off The Wall and a mesmerizing rendition of "Billie Jean" from the Thriller album.
Jackson also would have featured songs from his childhood years while in the Jackson 5 replicating the dance moves of his youth. And although this extraordinary man has passed away this movie presents an authentic record of a talented man whose gifted creative spirit will be remembered as his legacy.
So how do you want to be remembered? You can start now by being mindful of how you behave with people. All your actions and words can make a lasting impression on those around you. Start being conscious of all your interactions and be thoughtful of others.
Remember that you don't have to be an artist to be creative. You are already creating the legacy you will leave behind every single day with your actions. Do your best to leave a positive imprint with everyone you meet.
Energize Your Career or Business Now - Toronto Workshop
Saturday, Nov. 7, 2009 1 – 4pm
See invitation for details: Here
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist For Professionals
Your Motivational Wingman!
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
what a greta question and good way to think about this movie, which truly captured MJ's legacy and left you inspired.
Another winning post, Emmanuel! Thank you for sharing Michael's This Is It (I definitely want to see it) and your artwork!
And, of course, the message you share. You're so right. Being conscious of how we interact with people is the BEST legacy we can leave. It's a challenge, but everyone has the ability to do it!
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