After a long vacation in Santa Barbara and Las Vegas I have returned home to Toronto slightly jet lagged but filled with optimism. During this time away I was able to dedicate myself to Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich
It took me a long time to finally experience this book but I knew the timing would be meaningful and it was. Surrounded by palm trees and the ocean of Santa Barbara and the mountains surrounding Las Vegas I saturated my thoughts with Hill's messages.
The book has supported all that I've experienced so far about the power of synchronicity, law of attraction, positive emotion energy and the building an optimistic mindset.
This book has also inspired other great motivators since it's publication in 1937. Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor and Stephen Covey are among many who have been inspired by Hill's powerful messages.
The core message of this book is that YOU create your reality. You create your own life story by what you think and say.
Bedtime Stories
With a slew of new Christmas movies I was compelled to see Bedtime Stories which mirrored what the book was saying. The film is a family comedy with Adam Sandler minus all the crude or sexual innuendo that saturates his other adult-humour comedies. Though like Sandler's other comedies it still retains meaningful lessons about creating the future you want.
Sandler plays an uncle taking care of a niece and nephew for a week. He tells them bedtime stories which the kids playfully add elements to like "then it starts to rain gumballs!" And whatever they say comes true the next day.
The film is a great metaphor for what Napoleon Hill is saying in his book. We have the power to create story of our lives if we are dedicated to training our mind to believe so.
I feel so happy and grateful for the long vacation I've been on because I was able to disconnect from my daily work routines and train my mind a little bit everyday to Hill's teachings. And now that I'm back home I'm excited to create the next thrilling chapter of my life and career!
So look at the new year as an exciting new chapter of your own life. Believe that you are in control of all your challenges, your career, your workplace, your finances, your relationships and your home life. Believe you are the author of whatever story you want to live.
Fill yourself with positive thoughts and possibilities for a fantastic 2009!
Happy New Year to you!
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Napoleon Hill
Emmanuel Lopez
Motivational Specialist
© Emmanuel Lopez 2008