I then attended two networking events, Indie Hackers Toronto and IABC Toronto’s PIC Fall Social, where I met two professionals that inspired me with my quest to repackage my movies and mental health content on my social media (including this blog). They gave me a vision and reminder that people suffering from depression, or who want to help support someone, are seeking my lived experience content. I just need to find a way to get my work to them.
These new contacts left me feeling so energized, passionate and confident for days but then I started to feel the early Autumn symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It slowed down my focus and progress with my repackaging initiative. But thankfully I’ve trained myself to be aware of when SAD creeps in and took immediate self-care coping steps such as hydrate myself, get outside for a long walk and feel the vitamin D sunshine on my eyes and face. And for an added mood boost I’d watch the perfect film that always magically becomes my movie medicine of the day.
Only The Brave (2017)
The biographical drama film, Only The Brave, is based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, a group of passionate, elite firefighters who risk everything to protect a town from a historic wildfire. This emotionally powerful story is filled with memorable moments of friendship and family along with stunning battles with massive forest fires. The ensemble cast including Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jeff Bridges, James Badge Dale, Alex Russell, Taylor Kitsch, Ben Hardy, Thad Luckinbill, Geoff Stults, Scott Haze and Andie MacDowell.
See: movie trailer
Watch now: Amazon Prime
It’s best you don’t know anymore details and just see this film knowing that you will be moved by the relationships and life lessons on courage, resilience, leadership and teamwork. Perseverance is definitely a highlight especially with Brendan McDonough (Miles Teller) who is unemployed, listless and addicted to drugs. It’s his journey and inner strength you will witness as he rises above his challenges to join the firefighters unit. His training is brutal to watch as he struggles physically and mentally to keep up with his new team members and yet, with some tough love, eventually shines with confidence along with his passion for becoming a better, more responsible adult.
Inspiring Themes:
• Courage
• Confidence
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Supportive Relationships
• Strategic Thinking
It’s movies like this that help me to persevere with my own struggles whether they are physical, mental or emotional. The movie heroes always speak deeply to my soul as if to say, “See what I overcame and accomplished? If I could do it so can you. So don’t give up. I believe in you.”
If you find yourself feeling stuck or depressed remember to find a movie hero to inspire you to get back up again. They can help re-energize your will to move forward and re-ignite your passion and perseverance. They will remind you that you have what it takes inside to be your own hero!
Related Tips:
Tip#1104: Passion & Perseverance, Part 12 – The Untouchables
Tip#627: Perseverance & Teamwork, Part 2 - Wreck-It Ralph
Tip#158: Power of Perseverance - Battlestar Galactica 2004
• Top Movies as Inspirational Learning Tools: www.Movies for Motivation.com
• Award-winning Illustrations: www.EmmanuelLopez.com
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Award-winning Illustrator | Movie Blogger | Speaker | Foodie
Discover Movies As Inspirational Learning Tools!
See website: www.MoviesForMotivation.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2019
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