This has been a productive week despite dealing with anxieties from unexpected challenges at work. I was able to take a big step forward with letting go of my artworks stored at home (see tip#1035) by photographing the 30 pieces as a record and a way for others to see them. I’ve also been decluttering and donating clothes and items to thrift stores. It felt great to let go and think that my stuff could benefit someone else!
As for dealing with anxiety and “catastrophic thinking” (see tip#1027) I was able to step away from my problems thanks to my coping strategies: deep breathes, meditations, affirmations, mirror exercises and long walks in sunshine and fresh air all to clear my head and ruminating negative thoughts. It helped me become aware that my challenges were manageable while reminding myself that I’ve dealt with far worst situations and always came through with flying colours!
These experiences always amaze me how powerful are thoughts can be whether they are positive or negative. And it also feels fantastic when I discover a film that not only calms my mind but also re-energizes my spirit. Here’s one that worked wonders for me!
The Space Between Us (2017)
The romantic science fiction film, The Space Between Us, is about Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield), the first human born on Mars, traveling Earth for the first time. This sweet, uplifting story features gorgeous scenery throughout the US and engaging performances by Butterfield and Britt Robertson, Gary Oldman and Carla Gugino. See: movie trailer
Seeing life on Earth through the eyes of Elliot helped transform my negative feelings and thoughts from anxiety. He was only focused on the joy and beauty of his surroundings, the beauty of Tulsa (Brit Robertson) and even asked strangers he met this question, “What’s your favourite thing about Earth?”
I discovered after seeing this film that the director, Peter Chelsom, had directed several favourite movies of mine like Hector and the Search for Happiness (see tip#792) and Serendipity (see tip#311). Now I know his work can be a go-to resource whenever I need to get re-energized! It was amazing how calm and good I felt by the end of this movie.
Always remember the transformative power of movies whenever you are dealing with anxiety, stress or any other situations that cause your thoughts to ruminate negatively. Films can be a go-to resource to help you cope and clear your head from the challenges in life and at work. Treat yourself today to soothing cinema!
Recommended article: The Anxiety Survival Guide
Related Tips:
Tip#332: Your Thoughts Have So Much Power – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Tip#1002: Your Thoughts Have So Much Power, Part 2 – Doctor Strange
Tip#1027: Your Thoughts Have So Much Power, Part 3 – Catastrophic Thinking - Split
Tip#1036: Your Thoughts Have So Much Power, Part 4 – Anxiety - The Space Between Us
Tip#913: The Silver Lining of Anxiety - The Good Dinosaur
Tip#971: How Movies Mirror Your Inner Strengths, Part 4 – PTSD – Iron Man 3
SEE NOW: The Best Uplifting Movie Montage with a song written & performed by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2017
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