Relationship and Communications Expert, Tammy Cunningham is one of my trusted allies and we’ve been friends and co-workers for years. She is one of my primary go-to resources when I have challenges with work relationships, family or other problems that trigger me to fall back into old victim modes rather than take personal leadership in these adversities.
I recently attended her new weekend workshop called Facilitation Skills for Leaders, Level One without knowing any details because I already knew her programs, like the Mastery of Self Expression, are life changing in unexpected ways! As a highly skilled and intuitive facilitator, Tammy has a kind of superpower for guiding you to recognize and identify root causes of chronic, life long issues triggered by current problems.
The extra benefits from Tammy’s programs are that you can add Tammy to your list of allies and a coach for help and support. And as another benefit you will discover new allies in the other participants you get to know throughout the group exercises of the weekend workshops. This all reminds me of this fantastic African proverb…
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Learn more: Facilitation Skills for Leaders workshops
Learn more: Tammy Cunningham, LinkedIn
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
The action adventure monster film, Kong: Skull Island, takes place in 1973 where scientists, soldiers and adventurers unite to explore a mythical, uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean where they encounter ancient, giant creatures like the mighty ape Kong. This exhilarating, visually stunning and witty film is a true popcorn movie filled with amazing action scenes, creatures and stars Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman and a hilarious John C. Reilly. See: movie trailer
This was a reminder of a lesson learned from Tammy’s workshop that your perceived enemies or antagonists can be a source of great personal learning. They can help teach you compassion, empathy, understanding and even help you break free of chronic blocks and fears.
Be open today to welcoming new allies into your life. And be aware of your current allies and how you can be supportive others around you. Adversities in life and work can seem overwhelming or hopeless and the key to moving forward is to step out of your victim mode and into your personal leadership position. The allies around you will be there to empower your potential!
Related Tips:
Tip#424: Surround Yourself With Friends & Allies – The King's Speech
Tip#1037: Surround Yourself With Friends & Allies, Part 2 - Kong: Skull Island
Tip#300: Cultivate Supportive Relationships, Part 1 – Top 25 Movies
Tip#41: Recognize The Support Around You - 4 Movie Tips
SEE NOW: The Best Uplifting Movie Montage with a song written & performed by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2017
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