I’ve started to research Dopamine and the positive and negative effects it has when its levels are low in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter directly responsible for motivation and focus. There are many ways to increase it and laughter is one creative coping strategy I use when dealing with depression or winter blues. And a good comedy can be the perfect movie prescription!
Read more:
10 Ways to Increase the Dopamine In Your Brain
The Chemistry of Laughter
Crazy People (1990)
The comedy, Crazy People, is about Ad executive Emory Leeson (Dudley Moore) who follows the truth-in-advertising philosophy and the public reactions that unfold after he is institutionalized. This hilarious film features many engaging performances by a diverse, supporting cast that include Mercedes Ruehl, Daryl Hannah, Danton Stone, Paul Bates, Doug Yasuda, Paul Reiser and J.T. Walsh. David Paymer is a real stand out too! See: R rated movie trailer
Despite some questionable attitudes and treatments with the subject of mental illness, this film had me laughing so hard at the obscene, rude yet hilarious advertisements that were created with real brand names. This was an R rated film so nothing is held back!
This film was also a surprise with the theme of teamwork as Emory’s fellow patients in the institution each help him brainstorm more ad. Despite their individual challenges they each demonstrate a creative talent that helps them focus. This film was a real hidden gem that I highly recommend to make you laugh. I was also in the advertising field with my first business as an illustrator so I highly recommend this as a must-see film for any ad professional!
Sometimes the shocking, disturbing things you read in the news just makes you laugh out loud. And if you do just know that laughter is a powerful antidote for relieving stress and anxiety. Laughter also releases brain chemicals like dopamine and endorphins that help you feel good. So whatever makes you laugh remember to engage in it today!
Related Tips:
Tip#46: What Makes You Laugh? - Part 1
Tip#678: What Makes You Laugh? – Part 2 - Grown-Ups 2
Tip#697: What Makes You Laugh? – Part 3 - Russell Peters’ Notorious
Tip#769: What Makes You Laugh? - Part 4 - They Came Together
Tip#1032: What Makes You Laugh? - Part 5 - Crazy People
SEE NOW: The Best Uplifting Movie Montage with a song written & performed by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website: www.motivatorman.com
Emmanuel Lopez 2017
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