Dr. Robert Holden
I recently treated a friend out to dinner to celebrate a big, exciting contract I completed and noticed how beautiful her wool scarf was. She lit up that I noticed it and explained that it actually was much larger and billowing but she washed it in hot water and the scarf had shrunk. I suddenly realized this was a metaphor for me.
It was just hours before that I had a 2nd session with Elias Abdel Ahad, International Rhythmical Massage Therapist. His latest insights afterwards had to do with me releasing inner fears and needing to embrace the vastness of who I truly am and what I’m all about. I knew he was right and it was the next level of learning to love myself more. That wool scarf was a magical, timely metaphor mirroring what my true, expansive self had become over the years.
Learning to love yourself isn’t about being self-absorbed or narcissistic. It’s about accepting, seeing, hearing and thanking every part of who you are. This is what I learned from my 1st session with Elias almost 14 weeks ago when he introduced me to Dr. Robert Holden’s books, specifically Loveability, as well as simple daily exercises to help clear and reprogram my thoughts and beliefs. During that time I experienced exciting breakthroughs and successes with my mental health, relationships and my work!
Here is an overview of the process I’ve followed for getting unstuck and learning to love myself more…
1) Bodywork for Releasing Trapped Emotions, Stress, Anxiety
• Rhythmical Massage Therapy: learn more
• Physical exercise e.g. marathon walks, fly weights, etc.
2) Daily Exercises for Reprogramming (Affirmations, NLP, RAS, Future Pacing)
• Robert Holden books, Loveability
• Mirror exercises: see amazing scene from Angel-A film
• Self-hugging exercises
• Treating yourself: Favourite foods, new clothes, etc.
• Affirmations: I accept you, I see you, I hear you, I thank you, I love you
3) Movies for Inspiration & Motivation
Tip#912: The Power of Emotional Release - Supergirl – Creed
Tip#983: The Power of Emotional Release, Part 2 - Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru
Tip#986: The Power of Emotional Release, Part 3 - A Monster Calls
Tip#57: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 1 - 11 Movie Tips
Tip#836: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 2 - E-Motion
Tip#839: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 3 - Trapped Emotions – Pleasantville
Tip#831: Creative Visualization, Part 1 - Reticular Activating System (RAS) - Focus
How To Be Single (2016)
The romantic comedy, How To Be Single, is about a group of New York City adults learning how to navigate life being single. This entertaining and hilarious film also had unexpected, heartfelt moments from an amazing cast that includes Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson, Alison Brie, Leslie Mann, Damon Wayans Jr., Anders Holm, Jake Lacy and Jason Mantzoukas. See: movie trailer
I was really surprised at how this film slowly evolved from a raunchy romcom into a movie with deep insights for anyone dealing with being single. One of these moments involves Leslie Mann’s character Meg having a playful and touching conversation with a baby on how she doesn’t need to have kids to feel complete. It’s a beautiful scene where this adorable baby says nothing but becomes a mirror for Meg to see a more loving truth about herself. See this scene
As for Dakota Johnson’s character, Alice, she eventually recognizes the beauty and benefits of being alone (and not lonely) and demonstrates what it is like to really love yourself. She learns to embrace what she truly desires from life and finds the courage and confidence to follow her dreams and goals.
Learning to love yourself could be one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. The results could be amazing changes in getting unstuck in your life, relationships and career. It takes courage and commitment to this personal growth so let your favourite movie heroes inspire you on your journey. Let them mirror the strength and love already inside you!
See: 31 Inspiring Quotes That Will Make You Love Yourself More
Related Tips:
Tip#630: Learning to Love Yourself – Angel-A
Tip#1029: Learning to Love Yourself, Part 2 – How To Be Single
Tip#230: Fall In Love With Yourself - Paris Je T’aime
Tip#1013: How Movies Mirror Your Inner Strengths, Part 6 - PTSD - Prison Dogs
SEE NOW: The Best Uplifting Movie Montage with a song written & performed by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2017
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