Thankfully the beautiful home, garden and neighborhood where I am house sitting has been a blessing and extremely healing. I can feel myself re-energizing every day and am grateful to have discovered three friends living in the area. Their social support and my current sunny location are all feel-good factors that have helped me persevere and maintain my indestructible optimism.
And, of course, discovering a new feel-good movie does wonders for the spirit and gets added to my personal set of resilience resources. And now I can share it with you here so it lifts you up too (or a friend in need)!
Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
The biographical sports film, Pelé: Birth of a Legend, is about the childhood and rise of Brazilian footballer Pelé (Kevin de Paula and Leonardo Lima Carvalho). This highly entertaining and inspirational story is filled with exciting scenes of Pelé’s legendary soccer playing and emotional performances from Pelé’s mother Celeste (Mariana Nunes) and his father Dondinho (Seu Jorge). See: movie trailer
There are so many motivational messages in the film about passion, perseverance, resilience and so much more. And I agree with one review on IMDB that says, “Pelé is one of the most spiritual sports movies I've ever seen...”. The film celebrates the Ginga style of football, the nation of Brazil as well as the beauty of a community sharing a deep passion for soccer. The music soundtrack is also outstanding by Indian composer A. R. Rahman who also did Slumdog Millionaire, Million Dollar Arm and The Hundred-Foot Journey.
Inspiring Themes:
• Having a Vision
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Believing in Yourself
• Supportive Relationships
• Sense of Community
• Team Work
• Leadership
This movie made be think fondly about my dad who I remember talking enthusiastically about Pelé and his famous goals by kicking the ball over his head backwards. The film is a heartwarming father and son story and shows how supportive and loving parents can be. I highly recommend seeing this movie as a feel-good film on many levels for young and old!
“If you want to play professionally you can’t be ashamed of who you are.”
“Don’t try so hard, just enjoy yourself. Everything else will come.”
“Show us what happens when you have the courage to embrace who you truly are.”
“I don’t know if we will win. But we will show them a beautiful game!”
Whatever challenges you find yourself dealing with always remember the power of your favourite feel-good films. These are your resilience resources that can clear your congested mind and emotions. They can help re-energize your drive to move forward and cope and manage your challenges. Be open to discovering new movies too and you’ll be overflowing with uplifting cinematic choices!
Related Tips:
Tip#828: Motivatorman’s Top 10 Feel Good Movies
Tip#756: Top Feel-Good Movies, Pt 1 - Fusia Magazine 5th Anniversary Party - Million Dollar Arm
Tip#806: Top Feel-Good Movies, Pt 2 - St. Vincent
Tip#807: Top Feel-Good Movies, Pt 3 – The Artist
Tip#979: Top Feel-Good Movies, Pt 4 - Pelé: Birth of a Legend
Top Inspiring Women in the Movies:
15 Films for Leadership at Work & in Life
The latest eBook by Emmanuel Lopez: Click Here
MOVIE MESSAGES OF HOPE: Fresh Air Show 14 minutes
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
The Movies-For-Motivation Speaker
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2016
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