Little Boy (2015)
I recently attended a full day workshop called 8 Simple Steps That Can Turn Your Dreams & Goals Into Reality facilitated by my good friend Patrick Bizindavyi and Paul Renie of Unleashed Possibilities Inc. One of the key factors they emphasized was the importance of belief in oneself and in our goals.
They also encouraged the group to share details of our dreams and goals and I openly shared that this year has been focused on improving my mental health because of chronic depression and that my goal was to assemble a dream team to help manage and market my motivational speaker services and movie tips archive.
It felt great to instantly get support by other attendees who I felt strong synergy with for potential work connections! Since I’ve been working on increasing belief in myself and my goals for years I believe people can sense that positivity and confidence. Belief in your self can be very magnetic!
Little Boy (2015)
The war drama film, Little Boy, is about an 8-year-old boy named Pepper (Jakob Salvati) who goes on a mission to increase his power of believing in himself in order to save his father captured by the Japanese during World War II. This highly inspirational and emotional movie has many life lessons about bullying, racism, hope and faith. This trailer is very inspiring in itself!: movie trailer
This film has been getting mixed reviews and there are some aspects that do feel odd and yet I feel the movie was still heartfelt and moving. One of the executive producers was Roma Downey who starred in the TV series Touched by an Angel which helped me through depression many years ago. That series was another uplifting resource that helped me believe in myself when I was stuck in a dark time!
Inspiring Themes:
• Self-confidence
• Belief, Hope & Faith
• Dealing with death
• Family
• Optimism
• Perseverance
• Resilience
Increasing belief in yourself and your dreams and goals is like energy fueling your drive and perseverance in difficult times. Find movies and people who can inspire you to find your inner strengths today!
"Your faith won't work if you have even the slightest bit of doubt."
Little Boy (2015)
Related Tips:
Tip#726: Keep Believing & Persevere, Part 1 - In a World
Tip#879: Keep Believing & Persevere, Part 2 - Little Boy
Tip#39: More About Believing: You’ll See It When You Believe It - 3 Movie Tips
Tip#609: Believe in Yourself - ParaNorman Remember
How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2015
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