I also faced big fears riding top-level intensity roller coasters. Some we rode while it rained! Bill loved roller coasters which I’m not a fan of but felt this was an opportunity to be fearless and “go along for the ride”! The first drop on the Behemoth ride was absolutely scary because it was so high and felt almost inverted during the drop! We went on seven rides and despite a headache and a bit a nausea I was proud of myself for being fearless and building my self-confidence!
Hysteria (2011)
The romantic comedy film, Hysteria, is about life in the Victorian era of 1880, the medical diagnosis of female hysteria and the invention of the vibrator for medical treatments. Highly entertaining with funny and strong performances by Hugh Dancy (Dr. Mortimer Granville), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Charlotte Dalrymple), Felicity Jones (Emily Dalrymple), Jonathan Pryce (Dr. Dalrymple), and Rupert Everett (Lord Edmund St. John-Smythe). See: movie trailer
Aside from hilarious scenes involving of the invention and testing of the vibrator, what stood out for me were the strength, courage and confidence of both Dr. Granville and Charlotte. For example, Charlotte immediately shows up as a powerhouse of energy and passion despite her lack of social graces or manners. She later demonstrates strong convictions in her belief in helping the less fortunate and wanting to create a better world.
Inspiring Themes:
• Self-Confidence
• Courage, Conviction, Tenacity
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Indestructible Optimism
• Resilience
• Have a Vision
• Belief in Yourself
• Supportive Relationships
• Leadership & Teamwork
Movie heroes that exude fearless confidence, courage, conviction, tenacity, passion, resilience and indestructible optimism can inspire you to visualize these qualities within you. Be inspired today to activate your inner strengths!
Related Tips:
Tip#878: Unleash Your Fearless Confidence, Part 1 - Hysteria
Tip#903: Unleash Your Fearless Confidence, Part 2 - Spectre
Tip#19: Unleash Your Inner '007' - Casino Royale
Tip#53: The Self-Confidence of Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3
Tip#620: Find Confidence from a Movie - Superstar
Tip#287: Activate Your Innate Courage – The Tale of Despereaux
Tip#787: Find Confidence in Who You Are – IMAX Preview Screening at TIFF’14 - The Equalizer
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2015
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