Now, more than ever, I am applying what I’ve written on my movie blog and shared in my motivational talks about increasing resilience. I am using creative visualization, vision statements/affirmations and future pacing techniques to focus on the future I want instead of ruminating on current negative situations. I also started a 15 week group program on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (see tip#847) at Toronto’s CAMH, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health. The goal here is to learn how to effectively manage the debilitating thoughts and behaviours that keep feeding my depression. And then I can share what I've learned with others.
The Two Wolves Parable
An old grandfather told his grandson: “There is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, and resentment. The other is good. It is joy, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and bravery.” The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”
Tomorrowland (2015)
The science fiction adventure film, Tomorrowland, is about a reclusive, former boy genius Frank Walker (George Cooney) and a tech-savvy teen Casey Newton (Britt Robertson) recruited by the mysterious Athena (Raffey Cassidy) to save a futuristic world called Tomorrowland. This visually stunning movie is overflowing with highly imaginative, creative landscapes and exciting technology! It also features heartfelt performances and inspiring messages about optimism and envisioning a better future. See: awesome teaser trailer
Tomorrowland is also rich with many other life lessons to empower people of all ages. It speaks of nurturing the happy inner child and dreamer within us all and the importance of cultivating community to build a positive future for the planet.
Inspiring Themes:
• Indestructible Optimism
• Perseverance & Resilience (Don’t give up)
• Power of inspiration & imagination
• Envisioning & focusing on a positive future
• Power of community
• Letting go
Along with the dazzling visuals the film spoke directly to my heart with its reminders of focusing on the positive, exciting future that I want for myself. Vision, focus and belief were the keys. I was reminded to keep feeding the good, optimistic wolf within me instead of the wolf that represents my dark depression and hopelessness. This magical movie took me away for a few hours, cleared the ruminating in my brain (see: tip#801) and returned me to earth feeling refreshed and enthusiastic again!
Seeing Tomorrowland during a time of despair and depression helped fill me with unlimited hope and promise that my future will be brighter as long as I focus on that belief and vision. My indestructible optimism was once again re-energized and I felt much better, physically, emotionally and mentally. Movies saved my life once more.
If you are feeling deeply stuck at work or in life or experiencing symptoms of situational or clinical depression I highly recommend seeing a film to help re-ignite your spirit and drive. Movies can help you escape your pain for awhile, get entertained and re-energized. Cinema can fill you with insights, epiphanies and AHA moments for moving forward again. Choose to feed your indestructible optimism right now!
ON MY INSTAGRAM SITE: The Film Food Friends Project
Related Tips:
Tip#855: How Movies Saved My Life, Part 1 - Depression & Mental Health - Tomorrowland
Tip#863: How Movies Saved My Life, Part 2 - Depression & Mental Health - Inside Out
Tip#200: How To Build Indestructible Optimism - 9 Movie Tips
Tip#801: Resilience Is Your Hidden Super Power, Part 5 - Depression - Whiplash
Tip#811: Resilience Resources, Part 4 – Top 15 Movies for Dealing with Depression & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Tip#812: Resilience Resources, Part 5 – Mental Health - Mumford
Tip#825: Resilience Resources, Part 10 – Mental Health & Healthcare - Big Hero 6
Tip#829: Resilience Resources, Part 11 – The Tartigrade – Mr. Deeds Goes To Town
Tip#830: Resilience Resources, Part 12 – Depression & Graham Moore - The Imitation Game
Tip#833: Resilience Resources, Part 13 – Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Tip#847: The Power of Acknowledgement, Part 3 – Mental Health in the Workplace - Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter
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Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Insights, Epiphanies & AHA moments

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2015
Your blog has me looking forward to seeing "Tomorrowland" soon! Thank you Motivatorman. Julie in NYC
I love that you are always so candid. thank you for this.
I saw Tomorrowland yesterday. It definitely gave the drive to move forward with my goal.
Hey Emmanuel,
Read your article. Best wishes to you for winning the battle against chronic depression.
I was in the same situation before...
Looking forward to your final victory.
Take care,
Many thanks Candice, I always appreciate your support! Thanks also Teresa and swarlock for sharing your encouraging thoughts!
Emmanuel, I am always amazed at how honest and authentic you are about your struggle with depression. Thank you for sharing your strategies. I'm sure it's helping so many. Much Love. Louisa
Terrific post. Incredibly well written.
Thanks for sharing.
Anthony Tobia, MD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Emmanuel, I could not help but go and see the movie after such a strong review. I found that the movie was very motivational and it carried so many positive reinforcements. The only thing I can say is that depending on what you are looking for in the movie, will greatly determine what you receive out of it, for me there was a spiritual message, as well as a good message for someone suffering with depression. I certainly plan to share this movie with others and how to go and see it again myself or wait until it comes out on Netflix. This is one movie that I feel should be watch more than once.
Denise Holcomb
Founder & President of Removing The Stigma
Cleveland, Ohio
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