In the movie Phil Connors begins his wild time loop experience when a snowstorm keeps him trapped in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on Feb. 2nd Groundhog Day. My recent move to a new home is my 3rd in 9 months so if I am caught in my own repetitive time loop then I am in good company with Connors.
In the movie, Connors demonstrates how to seize the hidden opportunities of what appears to be a hopeless situation to be trapped in. This movie hero inspires because he:
• Learns how to break out of destructive behavioural patterns
• Makes time to explore personal interests resulting in new skills
• Becomes a thoughtful, altruistic person
• Learns how to love someone unconditionally
Groundhog Day 1993
The movie Groundhog Day
It is only when Connors surrenders to his situation does he initiate positive change. He begins to focus on helping others and explores personal interests and passions he never found time to indulge in. Connor eventually transforms his outer reality by going inwards.
If you are finding yourself trapped by a snowstorm or any seemingly hopeless situation remember there is always a silver lining of self-discovery. The key is to surrender to the situation and find the golden opportunity for personal development and bringing out your best.
Celebrate Groundhog Day today by seeing the movie and the idea that YOU can change your world right now! Happy Groundhog Day!
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
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