The solutions you seek for your career or life challenges are sometimes right in front of you. You just have to step outside your own world in order to see them.
I am having the most amazing month! Business wise this has been the busiest December in many, many years and I believe it's because of all the personal and professional development I’ve doing on expanding my optimistic mindset. It feels amazing!
And it's because I decided years ago to step outside my own world in order to learn brand new ways of thinking. Taking this path involves a lot of faith, trust and courage because the only way to break out of old, ineffective ways of thinking is to step out of your comfort zone.
Avatar 2009
The 3-D movie Avatar
Thanks to famed director James Cameron, he has created a world so realistic that you will forget that it is mostly computer generated images. The creatures and plant life are so rich in imagination, texture and colours. And the 10 foot tall, blue alien race characters are stunning to watch.
The story takes place in the future where Jake (Sam Worthington) can have his mind placed into an "avatar" or another host body resembling the alien race called the Na'vi. His mission is to gain information on how the military and corporation he works for can mine precious materials from under where the Na'vi live.
What Jake ends up discovering is a deeper appreciation of how others live and think. He discovers the sacred beauty the Na'vi see in all living things and how they are all connected. By stepping into this alien world Jake expanded his mind and heart and ultimately his own humanity.
New Possibilities
The movie hero literally stepped out of his comfort zone and in doing so realized a whole new way of thinking beyond his old life. And that is the magic of movies, they can open your thoughts to new ideas and visions. Movies help you step outside your existing world and imagine new possibilities and opportunities.
Changing old habits of thinking does take time. Though if you have faith, trust and courage you will be rewarded with exciting new solutions to your challenges and problems.
Take a step into a new experience today. If it feels uncomfortable that is a good sign. You are on your way to the answers you seek!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist For Professionals
© Emmanuel Lopez 2009
wow--i have heard nothing but great things about this movie. sounds inspiring!
I was glad to read this. Most are raving about the movie, but I did not know what it was about until I read this. One twitter'r said he walked out before it was over; seems odd now. Thank you.
Hello Candice and Peter. Hope you enjoy Avatar when you see it!
Thanks for another fantastic post, Emmanuel. I love your message about stepping outside yourself to see new and exciting possibilities!
And congrats on all the work you're attracting into your life!
Steph @ LiveLighter.org
Thank you for reminding me that the uncomfortable feelings that I have about some "new" things in my life are me stretching.....I sometimes forget that it is a good thing even when I feel overwhelmed!
Great movie too!
It really does make you feel like you are on another world for 3 hours....I felt like I was flying when I was driving my car home! Amazing!
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