Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tip#57: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 1 - 11 Movie Tips

There are empowering concepts shared in the 2006 personal growth movie The Secret that reminded me of The Celestine Prophecy book I read in 1994. This book inspired millions of people and it remained on the New York Times best-seller list for three years.

The chain reaction of individuals recommending this book to me and to each other was so intense that it demonstrated what the book talked about: People were powerful energy beings and that we can all tap into the power of synchronicity.

So now it feels like The Secret was part 2 of another movement of enthusiasm for realizing our 'thoughts' are a powerful form of energy that can change and alter the course of our lives. It introduced me to ideas of quantum physics and quantum realities that I was already learning about in favourite TV shows like Star Trek: The Next Generation! In the past these concepts would have been considered science fiction or fantasy or even new age babble. Times have changed.

There are many imaginative movies that explore fantastic uses of the human mind over the years. Here are some to inspire your potential:

Star Wars (1977)

This sci fi adventure film introduced The Force to pop culture in this history making film. Creator George Lucas had culled this concept from eastern beliefs fusing it into a creative story for the masses. The Force is described by Obi-Wan Kenobi played by Alec Guinness as "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together."

The Shadow (1994)

This fantasy adventure film is based on the pulp hero of the 30's and 40's the main character was trained to use his mind to influence or cloud the thoughts of others. Played by Alec Baldwin, The Shadow was once an evil man fully reformed and disciplined in Tibet to use his power for good.

Powder (1995)

This fantasy drama's main character, played by Sean Patrick Flanery, has the ability to see and use energy in extraordinary ways. Having been affected at birth when his mother was struck by lightening, he was able to access more of his brain power to move objects and to heal others. His heightened perception can also see how energy profoundly connects everyone on the planet to each other and everything around us.

Phenomenon (1996)

This fantasy drama's main character, played by John Travolta, suddenly develops ESP (extrasensory perception) and telekinesis via a strange light in the sky. He is able to learn and think rapidly unleashing his innate genius. He later says that everyone is capable of doing what he can do. He was just able to access more of his dormant brain areas and apply his desired interests.

Dark City (1998)

This sci fi thriller movies has a main hero, played by Rufus Sewell, who learns to use his mind powers on a heightened level to save the world. Kiefer Sutherland also stars and is a special key to the main character's talents. The end reveals a message that we all have special powers of the mind and can create the physical reality we desire.

The Sphere (1998)

The concept in this sci fi drama film, starring Dustin Hoffman, revolved around a non-terrestrial gift that allowed people to manifest their thoughts into reality. The great question this movie leaves is whether or not humans have evolved enough to handle that gift. Though this not a favourite movie of mine the ending has an important thought provoking question.

The Matrix (1999)

In this sci fi action movie, the theme of believing is at the core of this film where the hero learns to control his mind to master his reality. And like Dark City, this movie is a mirror for us all that we have the ability to create our own reality. Starring Keanu Reeves The Matrix has been called the Star Wars of a new generation updated for our growing world of computer technology.

X-Men (2000)

This superhero film is based on the highly popular comic book released in 1963, the concept revolved around Professor X, played by Patrick Stewart, with powerful mental abilities who helps teach gifted youngsters born with unique super powers. Jean Grey is another character whose mental abilities grow throughout the trilogy of X-Men movies.

I Heart Huckabees (2004)

This comedy fantasy explores the nature of coincidences, our mind power and how all of life is connected. Starring Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin, the thought provoking existential concepts they introduce are cleverly visualized with computer graphics. This movie can help to shake up your paradigms or your 'multitude of habits' holding you back in life. (see tip#56)

What The Bleep Do We Know? (2004)

This film combines documentary style interviews with a storyline exploring quantum physics. Reprogramming our destructive behavioural patterns through our thoughts is shown as possible in this film that, in some ways, was a precursor to The Secret. This is a hybrid movie that fuses a storyline starring Marlee Matlin and interviews with several fringe neuroscientists. A favourite scene shows amazing photographs by Dr. Masaru Emoto of water crystals having been affected by specific thoughts and words.

The Secret (2006)

This documentary style film that takes the sci fi/fantasy elements out of the extraordinary concepts of energy and our ability to control it. This film shares scientific evidence and stories from many respected individuals and authors who have come to understand the power of the law of attraction. The film shows that energy is a simple word that has a much bigger meaning now more than ever in our world today.

Coming Full Circle

Coming full circle to what was introduced in Star Wars, The Force is no longer fantasy but rooted in something real and with true substance supported today by science. And pop culture has become a new resource for learning about our full potentials as human beings and the power of our minds.

All you have to do is realize that your old mindset can be changed in order to achieve your dreams or goals. Unlocking your imagination can help you see new possible futures you've been dreaming about. Once you build a more optimistic mindset then those dreams can manifest into reality.

So be inspired by these films and their fantastical concepts of thought and energy. Be excited that we are consciously evolving and that the power of thought is our birthright to harness. Believe you have the power and you'll start making positive changes for yourself.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
Marianne Williamson

Related Tips:
Tip#57: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 1 - 11 Movie Tips 
Tip#836: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 2 - E-Motion
Tip#839: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 3 - Trapped Emotions - Pleasantville  
Tip#840: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 4 – Top 20 Movies for Quantum Physics & Quantum Realities  
Tip#1048: Activate The Power of Your Mind, Part 5 – Top 4 Movies on Reprogramming Your Life with Positive Lying 
Emmanuel Lopez
© Emmanuel Lopez 2007


Anonymous said...

Hi Emmanuel

Great posting. Even age 38, I like to think the force is with me. But don't forget Field of Dreams!


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