Today recording is mostly digital and can now be done on an iPhone or laptop but back then analog recording was another massive way to express myself and my feelings. I borrowed my mom’s Yamaha keyboard and I quickly discovered a natural skill for writing songs and lyrics. Some music professionals were in awe of my work which was very encouraging.
This period of my life gave birth to dozens of songs that included the ballad “In the Film” that I created a Hollywood movie montage for. In hindsight I realized it was a powerful, cathartic song that expressed the depression and even seasonal affective disorder symptoms I was experiencing at the time. See: In the Film music video
As my passion for writing songs grew I upgraded my music equipment over the 90’s and released my debut album called Rain of Angels in 1999. I had two instrumentals off of this CD that received regular rotation on Galaxie CBC Radio. It was absolutely thrilling! Over the years I ended up with enough songs for 5 albums. Today, I still have a yearning for people to hear all my songs and when I see movies like Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born, I am inspired to persevere this dream.
A Star Is Born (2018)
The musical romantic drama film, A Star Is Born is about an alcoholic, famous musician, Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper), who discovers and falls in love with young, gifted singer Ally Campana (Lady Gaga). This powerful and emotional movie was produced and directed by Bradley Cooper and features riveting performances and outstanding songs by Cooper and Gaga. It also stars Sam Elliott, Dave Chappelle and a surprising performance by an unrecognizable Andrew Dice Clay.
See: movie trailer
Watch now: Amazon Prime
This was such a moving love story with Gaga appearing with little make-up and showing her natural beauty. She also shared an amazing, magnetic connection with Cooper’s character. And the real bonus is the many heartfelt songs they both sang either together or by themselves. They demonstrate how empowering it is to believe in one’s self and each other.
The film also shows the personal sacrifices an artist makes for fame and fortune. And yet Jackson lovingly supports and encourages Ally to unleash and nurture her songwriting and singing talents. This movie celebrates the idea of following one’s passion and dreams as well as the beauty of loving someone for all their goodness and painful flaws.
Inspiring Themes:
• Believing in Yourself
• Following a Passion
• Courage
• Confidence
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Supportive Relationships
• Forgiveness
• Unconditional Love
Songs can be healing for both the songwriters and for the listeners. The music and lyrics can express the joys and pains of life and ultimately leave listeners comforted that they are not alone. Movies about songs can also inspire people to follow their dreams as a creative outlet for their thoughts and feelings. Be inspired today by the power of songs and movies to express who you truly are to the world!
Related Tips:
Tip#866: The Power of a Song - Ted 2
Tip#1119: The Power of a Song, Part 2 – Bohemian Rhapsody
Tip#1120: The Power of a Song, Part 3 – A Star Is Born
• READ: Top 10 Inspiring Movies for Managing Depression
• READ: Emmanuel & Depression featured in The Toronto Star
• LISTEN: Emmanuel's CBC Radio Interview on Movie Messages of Hope: The Fresh Air Show
• WATCH: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
• DISCOVER: 8 Creative Tools for Motivation & Depression
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker
Discover Movies As Inspirational Learning Tools!
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2018
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