The silver lining was it prompted me to take inventory of all my skills and services. I reminded myself of my value to myself and others. I felt this was a sign that my treasure chest of experiences, professional wisdom and creative gifts needed to be revisited and see how I can share it. I just knew I strongly desired to be of service and put out a prayer asking the universe and God for guidance.
This led me to continue building a new website to feature my artworks and illustrations (see website). I then revisited a DVD compilation of my television features and interviews when I ran my illustration business called Crackers World Communications. I felt so grateful to the friend who helped produced this DVD back in the mid 90’s because the original VHS recordings may be lost forever. So check out my long rockin' new wave black hair I use to have!
View: Emmanuel’s Illustration Interview Clips 1986-1991
View: Interview on Fashion Television 1991
View: Interview on Canadian Learning Channel 2003
I’m not sure where this introspective and retrospective time is leading me but I have faith this is part of my journey. All I know is that somehow my prayers had been answered because I was thrilled to be invited to a member’s preview of an extraordinary exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario which inspired me!
Guillermo Del Toro’s "At Home With Monsters" Exhibit
Guillermo Del Toro is a visionary filmmaker and artist and his exhibit, “At Home With Monsters” featured his vast private collection of fantasy memorabilia, artwork (his own and others that inspired him) and costumes from his films such as Pan’s Labyrinth, Hellboy, Crimson Peak and Pacific Rim. My creative spirit was so inspired to see so much of what inspired Del Toro growing up as well as seeing so many examples of his sketchbook drawings.
Del Toro has always excited my creativity with his richly textured details in his characters and films and now he’s inspired me with this exhibition because it percolating ideas of how I can be of service to others. His hidden knowledge, wisdom and expertise were now being shared with the world!
Once again this event and my current life situations connected with a very synchronistic film preview I was invited to that embodied the spirit of being of service.
Victoria & Abdul (2017)
The biographical, comedy-drama film, Victoria & Abdul, is about the real-life relationship between Queen Victoria (Judi Dench) of the United Kingdom and her Indian Muslim servant Abdul Karim (Ali Fazal). This visually lush movie features wonderful, and surprisingly funny, emotional and touching performances by the leads and the supporting cast. See: movie trailer
There are so many inspirational aspects of this film that I highly recommend you see it on the big screen. For now I want to focus on an emotional scene in the film (part of it is in the movie trailer) where Queen Victoria is in tears not knowing what to do with her life. Abdul simply response with the answer, “Service, your Majesty. We are here for a greater purpose.”
This inspires the Queen and they become of service to each other. She promotes him to be her teacher/spiritual guide and he teaches her about India, Indian languages and spirituality and even what a mango is!
• Passion
• Perseverance
• Resilience
• Indestructible Optimism
• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Courage
• Confidence
• Supportive Relationships
• Being of Service
Life can sometimes feel crushing and directionless so it is important to be reminded that being of service to others can bring peace and comfort to yourself. There is a part in the book, The Alchemist, where the hero loses his way in life, but finds his direction again by taking a detour working for someone else. He took a job shining up crystals in a crystal shop. If you are feeling stuck in your life or work see if you can be of service to someone today and help shine their crystals!
Related Tips:
Tip#751: The Joy of Helping Others - Clueless - Miss Match
Listen to Emmanuel’s interview on the podcast show THIS MOVIE’S ABOUT YOU with Thom Ernst (former host of TVO’s Saturday Night at the Movies) and Louis Marrone. Emmanuel discusses his ideal double bill of GROUNDHOG DAY and PLEASANTVILLE and how they helped him cope with clinical depression. Click here
SEND THEM THIS: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker on Health & Wellness
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website:
© Emmanuel Lopez 2017
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