Enjoying a freshly juiced carrot, apple, ginger juice while soaking up the summer sun's vitamin D!
I have a close friend who has an amazing success story for curing her son of autism early in his life. Despite doctors saying he would be limited and not be able to finish the 8th grade she remained defiant, optimistic and persevered in her research and discovered that a diet change was a huge key to helping her son. By eliminating carbonated drinks, processed meats, dairy and more, he is today a healthy, vibrant (and very tall!) young man successfully graduated from high school.
This reminded me of my own journey in focusing on a dietary change to help me eliminate clinical depression symptoms. Key words that were coming up were inflammation and autoimmune disease. Thankfully I’ve been finding success over the past two years thanks to my own research on gut health and gut/brain connections by Dr. Ax and Dr. David Perlmutter (see tip#880 and tip#945). What was encouraging was a timely episode of TV Ontario’s The Agenda Show where a young woman and her skeptical father both experienced profound improvements to their clinical depression based in anti-inflammatory, plant-based diets.
See: The Agenda - Digesting Depression
Recently I wanted to help a family member deal with her chronic rheumatoid arthritis and was surprised to discover another connection to plant-based diets by Dr. David McDougall. The success stories I’ve read are inspiring and he claims rheumatoid arthritis is 100% curable with a plant-based diet. Read examples…
• See: Juliea Baker: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
• See: Diet: Only Hope for Arthritis
• Highly recommend this interview: The Truth About Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dr John McDougall
“There were Australians and New Zealanders in a prisoner of war camp in Shanghai... it's well-known and documented that the people with rheumatoid arthritis in the prisoner of war camp, who lived off rice and potatoes, all got rid of their condition."
This eye-opening quote came from the video The Truth About Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dr John McDougall where he also talked about The Martian movie starring Matt Damon and enthusiastically said that his diet of water and potatoes was completely valid and demonstrates the basic nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet. And no meat products and refined carbohydrates were also essential to healing chronic diseases.
Another recommended video where The Martian movie diet is mentioned:
The Potato Cleanse with Dr. McDougall
“No disease, including cancer,
can exist in an alkaline environment.”
Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery
Another key factor that kept coming up in my research was the alkaline & acidic factor. Read more: Your Body is ACIDIC. Here are Very SIMPLE WAYS TO ALKALIZE YOUR BODY– AMAZING EFFECTS!
• Good video introduction: Top 10 Alkaline Foods You Should Be Eating Everyday
• The Acid & Alkaline Foods List: Click here
What the Health (2017)
The Netflix documentary, What the Health, is about filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovering the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.) and investigates why the nation's leading health organizations don't want people to know about it. This highly engaging film is thought-provoking and will make you question your eating lifestyle! See: movie trailer
There are emotional and inspiring stories of people with chronic diseases and overwhelming number of pills they must take. They show their wonderful transformations when they simply found the courage to change their eating habits and increased their awareness of what foods were beneficial to living a fuller, enjoyable life.
The film also provides easy steps for looking into a vegan lifestyle. At times this documentary felt like a Hollywood movie because of the mystery aspects but was also riveting because of the shocking news about what is going on in our culture about food and what is nutrition. Ultimately it inspired me to really look into a plant-based diet despite loving foods that include meat, chicken, fish, butter and other foods I love! My mental health and wellness now come first and am determined to find a healthy balance!
Hollywood movies and documentaries can help you discover inspiration, information and life lessons to help transform your health and wellness. And if you or someone close to you is suffering from a chronic illness then be open to looking at possible causes because of diet. It takes courage for lifestyle changes and you can find your own inner strengths by looking at the success stories of other people. Profound positive changes can be miracles! Find yours today!
Related Tips:
Tip#880: How Movies Help You Visualize Success, Part 2 - Health & Wellness - Fantastic Voyage
Tip#945: Believe in Miracles, Part 2 - Health & Wellness - Miracles from Heaven
Listen to Emmanuel’s interview on the podcast show THIS MOVIE’S ABOUT YOU with Thom Ernst (former host of TVO’s Saturday Night at the Movies) and Louis Marrone. Emmanuel discusses his ideal double bill of GROUNDHOG DAY and PLEASANTVILLE and how they helped him cope with clinical depression. Click here
SEND THEM THIS: Uplifting Movie Montage produced by Emmanuel Lopez!
Remember How Movies Can Help You:
A) Entertain & Escape
B) Re-energize & Release
C) Inspiration & Motivation

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker on Health & Wellness
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience & Indestructible Optimism
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2017
Hi Everyone and Motivator Man. I'm from T.O. too ! I weaned from being an omni in January to a vegan 6 weeks later in mid-February. As I was adjusting to a balanced vegan diet, I was told of being pre-diabetic and to make some changes to my lifestyle. So, further adjustments to my balanced diet was made. Great news: I reduced my mean blood sugars from 69 to 64 and continue on this path along with reduced weight from 150 to 140 lbs without exercising (although I recommend the latter). My BMI is 20 now. Docus re: being vegan impact positively in my life as an observing Buddhist making mindful choices. Light, love and joy wrapped in hugs to all ��. Cheers, Anita W.
Many thanks Anita for sharing! It helps me understand the benefits of a plant-based diet and also further educate my readers with success stories like yours!
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