I still believe Oprah and I will connect. I would love to be her movie buddy! Over the years I've been learning to manifest the reality I want and so will continue to visualize the future I desire. Recently my LiveLighter/Writer Guru, Steph Miller posted a blog about manifesting desires and how she manifested something she wanted into her life. Read her blog: Here
Steph also featured me and referred to me as a "Master at Law of Attraction". And though I am honoured by the title I must share that, to me, the Master at Law of Attraction is my Money/Wealth Guru, Patrick Bizindavyi. He can manifest incredible things that will blow your mind! Check out his story of when he decided to get married and how the universe gave him everything he needed to fly from Toronto to Kigali Rwanda. Read his blog: Here
Bedtime Stories 2008
The comedy Bedtime Stories
I believe manifesting desires begins with being a kid again and remembering when all things were possible. It's about returning to a time when everything was just a game and we were in a state of play. It's about activating your imagination and BELIEVING that what you want is possible even if you currently cannot see it in front of you. Watching movies like Bedtime Stories and reading true stories like Steph's and Patrick's will help inspire you to manifest your own desires.
What movies inspire your imagination?
Do you have a favourite movie that brings out the playful kid in you? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author and Professional Speaker
Use The Magic of Movies to Motivate
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
Despicable Me..
Thank you for the great post, Emmanuel! Actually, I'm about to start watching Bedtime Stories because of this recommendation. :)
You're right, Emmanuel, manifesting our desires is just like being a kid again!
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