If you've been reading this blog since 2007 then you'll know that seeing Chris Gardner speak live about his book The Pursuit of Happyness inspired me to write a book based on this blog (see tip#40). It is 4 years later and this is still my goal despite multiple reasons that it is not here yet.
One of the insights that came up about my situation in the workshop was about the Terror Barrier. Motivational speaker and best selling author Bob Proctor says, "The Terror Barrier comes up in front of us every time we attempt to make a major move in life, into an area we have never traveled before."
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 2010
In the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) continues to persevere towards his quest to destroy Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes). Throughout the 7 movies Potter faced one Terror Barrier after another. The images and creatures he faced were extremely frightening in some situations. Each time he learned more about his own inner fears and how to overcome them. These challenges ended up helping Potter be more confident in who he is and what his purpose is.
See movie trailer for Part 2 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Click here
Potter is one movie hero helping me break through my own Terror Barriers about publishing a book. He is inspiring me to look inward and overcome my blocks. I've already written 3 drafts of my book. Two drafts have been edited by professional editors. What I learned from the weekend workshop is to FULLY COMMIT to my vision of a published book. One recommended step was to put Author in my email signature. It is done and I've also added it to my signature below!
What Terror Barriers have you faced?
What Terror Barriers have you encountered? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below OR click on the blog title above and scroll to bottom.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Author and Professional Speaker
Use The Magic of Movies to Motivate!
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
I have met the Terror Barrier. So many times I ran the other way. This time I'm galvanized to get to the other side and choose love not fear. Thanks for the reminder.
I see you have relinquished your 'superhero' title in order to call yourself an 'author', instead. Will the world be in danger?
Thanks for sharing Sheri! And to "anonymous" I always be a Motivational Superhero! Just like Superman is always Superman (Kal-El)
I have Seen this Movie..It is Really Awesome!! i really like it!
You dodged the question. Will the world be in danger?
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