I was so energized and feeling extra silly that I announced that, as Motivatorman, I do not wear a cape. Instead I was wearing my superhero underwear! I told everyone I was wearing brand new boxer briefs from Banana Republic and I felt like a million bucks. I guess their English was good because most of them laughed!
We later did my "being interviewed by Oprah exercise" that helps increase the participant's self-esteem and self-worth. The slide image I showed is the same one The New York Times article featured of me back in November a few months ago. See article: Click here
The playful image of pasting my face over a guest being interviewed by Oprah is meant to be an example of how to visualize the dreams and goals you want to achieve. I helped guide the workshop participants to visualize themselves in the future being interviewed by Oprah AND why. It's a chance to get individuals to activate their imagination, be playful and be like kids again.
Imagine That 2009
The comedy Imagine That
Evan discovers that Olivia has imaginary friends that are successfully predicting profitable business decisions and wants to know more. In order to do so Evan has to let go of his workaholic attitude and rigid mindset and be playful with his daughter. Olivia makes Evan use his imagination and be a kid again. He releases his silly side and ends up becoming a better, interactive father.
Despite the negative reviews, this movie has one of those timeless messages of keeping your inner child alive in a grown up world. And visualizing dreams and goals begins with activating your imagination and picture yourself in the job you dream about, the relationships you yearn for and the home or life you truly want.
Keep your playful, childlike part of you alive. Be a little silly sometimes. Pretend you are wearing superhero underwear and that you can do ANYTHING! Make a few funny faces in the mirror and make yourself laugh. Pretend the faces are imaginary friends helping you keep your imagination alive and well!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
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