I've been feeling better about my upcoming move and relocation (see tip#420) since feeling a little down last week. Part of it was the result of focusing on what excites me and sharing that enthusiasm. For example at Aldo Shoes I found new snow boots I really needed and loved them so much I shared that excitement on Facebook.
I received so many comments and "Likes" that the "feel good" energy I shared seemed to come back doubled. I was feeling re-energized again. On top of that Aldo Shoes on Facebook sent me a message requesting a photo of my new boots. This reminded me to always find and share enthusiasm which can transform a negative state.
The World's Fastest Indian 2005
The movie The World's Fastest Indian
Munro had a dream to travel from his home in New Zealand to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah and participate in Speed Week. His journey was filled with individuals who were charmed by his authentic enthusiasm, smile and positivity that they did everything they could to help with his dream.
Having a dream or goal is not enough to make them a reality. Expressing and sharing your dreams with others is the next essential step. And sharing your enthusiasm adds that zest that can attract just the right people who can help ACCELERATE you forward.
Whether it's with current friends, family or work colleagues, strangers you meet or online with social media sites practice the art of sharing enthusiasm. Paint a positive picture of all that excites you and you'll discover a world of like-minded individuals who'll be EAGER to support you.
"There is nothing more contagious on this planet than enthusiasm."
Carlos Santana
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
See website: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2011
This is an awesome movie, Emmanuel! It truly exemplifies the point you're making in your post. It's amazing to see how Munro overcomes obstacles with the help of people who feel his passion.
Bonuses to your article: a real-life example AND a rock 'n roll quote from Carlos Santana. One of your best posts yet! :)
Thanks for your comment Head Health Nut! I actually felt AWESOME while writing this post! Guess I was really feeling Munro's passion in me!
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