As I currently pack I am also purging even though I already let go of so much since my financial collapse early last year (see tip#400). I've been thinking about all my old furniture, clothes and other household appliances I gave away on Craigslist, Goodwill or left out on the streets. It feels good knowing it was all necessary so I could now reboot my life and my career.
Up 2009
The animated movie Up
Along this adventure Carl learns to let go of his old life and memories that were keeping him grounded and not moving forward in life. There is a key moment when he must let go of all his old furniture that is emotionally connected to his beloved wife who passed away many years before. He does so and ultimately is free of the anchors of his past.
Let Go
Let this inspire you to let go of whatever is keeping you grounded. Identify items around you that represent old memories holding you back. Find the courage to let go of these items so you can be free to experience grand, new adventures.
Then focus on looking forward to exciting opportunities. All your dreams and goals are waiting for you to discover them. Find the strength within you to purge and then push off into the wild, blue yonder!
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2011