Adam Sandler's movie Grown Ups
As I wrote in tip#383 we all see life and movies through our own personal lenses so this film meant a little more to me. I just went through an intense life change in which my friendships were tested with some standing by me as I lost my home and belongings (see tip#400). What empowered me further is I have taken some of these friendships to a higher level.
Once a week I have a phone meeting with a friend and health advisor and we coach each other on challenges we've had that week. And three other friends are scheduled every two weeks to do the same in person. Not only do we maintain a steadfast friendship we are helping each other overcome obstacles in our lives and careers.
Grown Ups 2010
The comedy Grown Ups
Aside from all the friendly insults they hurl at each other they have maintained their love and support for one another. During one scene Eric (Kevin James) reveals that he has actually having work and financial challenges. Without Eric asking for help his friends immediately came up with a solution to help him build a new, profitable business.
Take time to reflect on your current friendships and recognize if you have steadfast relationships. Make sure there is love and a willingness to help one another during challenging times. Maintain an authentic bond between you and your friends and you can have a support system that can last a lifetime.
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Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Superhero at Your Service!
Professional Speaker & Movie Blogger
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© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
Emmanuel,You truly have a unique talent and deserve a wider audience. To take a poorly reviewed movie and turn a positive spin on it, genius. I saw Grown ups and really enjoyed it as well.
Alan Penn
Emmanuel, I know what you mean! I have some pretty incredible friends, too, one of whom I meet with on a weekly basis to celebrate triumphs and discuss solutions to challenges. I really appreciate having him in my life and for our meetings.
Thank you for this post. I gotta see this movie now. :)
Thanks this post..
keep writing your blog will be more attractive. To Your Success!
Thanks John. I appreciated your support!
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