Since posting my previous blog entry about a personal emergency, I have continued to focus on staying positive. I am choosing to remain in control of my life and career. I am choosing not to play the victim.
Yes, I could choose to slip into a depression about decisions I must make but I am always reminded that this path is my calling. I am learning to build indestructible optimism on a whole new level and then teach it to others.
Run Robot Run! 2006
The comedy Run Robot Run!
Soon you'll see clever ideas unravel in the story about who actually behaves like a robot when Kent's behaviour reveals a cold-hearted mechanical attitude. You see how his victim attitude creates a chain of negative events to occur.
When Kent finally acknowledges that his destructive mindset pushes away the woman he cares about he realizes that it also perpetuates his overall unhappiness. And as he sits alone on a park bench he chooses to take a crucial step towards transforming his mindset.
Be More Aware
So if you are faced with an overwhelming career or life challenge see it as an opportunity to be more aware of how your mindset reacts. See whether or not you are reacting like a victim and take steps to transform that.
You are always in charge of your life despite how things may appear. All you have to do is choose a positive attitude and keep repeating to yourself "everything will be okay".
Program your mindset with positivity and eventually you'll ALWAYS feel in control of your life and career no matter what.
Read an inspiring article by Vickie Elmer
in The Washington Post called:
Climbing Your Way Out of a Career Setback
Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Specialist
For Individuals & Organizations
See more info: www.motivatorman.com
© Emmanuel Lopez 2010
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